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March 14, 2025

Lincoln-Way D210 – Ron Sawin- Under what authority?

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On February 27, 2016

Will Co. (ECWd) –

Many wonder how so many questionable matters percolate to the surface week after week at a school district that appeared to have no issues at all for years. The answer is simple.  The taxpayers are awake and looking into matters never questioned before.  The results of those inquires are troubling, to say the least.

A recent FOIA response from Ron Sawn, Assistant Superintendent of District 210, revealed an e-mail from Sawin to one of the farmers currently farming a portion of the land owned by the district.

Within the context to the e-mail was another statement that I believe points to the mind-set of Sawin.  A mind-set that does not understand he is not in charge.

“If actions related to a sale or potential sale result in damage to the crop, you and I will meet to determine suitable reimbursement”

My question is a simple one and I suggest the citizens of D210 ask the same question at the next Board of Education meeting.

Under what authority is Ron Sawin operating under that makes him think he can make ANY determination on what a suitable reimbursement  would be to the farmer? 

I raise this issue because it is another indicator of the mind-set of so many administrators in this state. They think they are in charge, when in fact it is the Board of Education that is in charge on these types of matters.  The BOE is responsible for making a determination of what will or will not be a suitable reimbursement, not Ron Sawin.

There are many more questions to be answered on several fronts and those will be addressed in a series of upcoming articles that will continue to expose the BOE for their lack of proper over-site to protect the taxpayers and once again show how the administration thinks they are in charge.

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  • Patricia May
    Posted at 12:46h, 28 February

    The original Agricultural Lease Agreement dated and signed on November 30, 2012 by Sawin and the farmer Michael Rauch, states in item #4 that the Lessor shall reimburse him for any planted seed and fertilizer costs if the district should ever need the land during the contract. Did Sawin ever get approval from the BOE on this contract?

  • CR
    Posted at 14:42h, 27 February

    Here is the role of the Board of Education. It is the job of the Business Manager to negotiate expenditures, it is then his job to go to the board for approval of expenditures and have an up or down vote. Thank you.

  • Done with this
    Posted at 12:51h, 27 February

    How does Sawin still have a job? He should of been fired years ago. He is the Business Superintendent, yet he let all the money get wasted for years. Literally millions of dollars in the red, yet kept going business as usual. Now they are paying someone else to be the business manager?? I would love to screw up my job so bad, that they hire someone else to do it for me, and I still get a paycheck. Ridiculous. This man has no business being an administrator, and the district should remove him immediately.

    It’s a waste of our tax dollars on his salary, and on all the money he has lost over the years.

  • But me
    Posted at 11:49h, 27 February

    Ate you frickin kidding me!! This is all you got!! You guys need to go away!! Slink into the night like the slime you are.

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 13:02h, 27 February

      No, this is not all we have. Keep reading.

    • landers
      Posted at 18:20h, 27 February

      Pay attention….this is obviously not all they have.

    • SMS
      Posted at 09:28h, 28 February

      As a taxpayer, I want it all exposed. Hiding and denying doesn’t fix anything.
