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February 14, 2025

Auditor General Frank Mautino – My dog ate my homework

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On February 12, 2016

Springfield, IL. (ECWd) –

In yet another interesting twist to the campaign expenditures by Frank Mautino, a recent letter  sent to the State Board of Elections by his campaign treasurer may be of interest considering the people of this State are supposed to be able to put their trust in the top Auditor for the state.

Dear Ms Steward,
To clarify the beginning balance of 7/01/2006 Committee for Frank J. Mautino report, the error is truly an honest mistake.

Our committee computer crashed and per our conversation, a dummy report was requested. I was told to look at the previous reporting period (01/01/2005-06/30/2005) for balances.  I was told to use the beginning balances and closing balances— But, my mistake, I took the ending balance and used it for my beginning balance, then took the beginning balance for the ending balance in the dummy report.

During the last reporting period (07/01/2006-12/31/2006) we were proofing the reports before they were to be filed, when, we noticed the discrepancy; it was then that we tried to make the correction.

So here we are reading a story about a “computer crash” as being the cause of a State Board of Elections reporting issue and it all begins with, “the error is truly an honest mistake”.

Let’s give them the benefit of the doubt, which is huge right now all things considered.  “It was an honest mistake”, ..a mistake that directed them to look at records from 2005!

I was told to look at the previous reporting period (01/01/2005 – 06/30/2005) for balances.

Why is this worthy of reporting on since it was the treasurer taking the blame for the ‘mistake’?  I said in my very first article, “Can we trust our top auditor’s decision making ability and does he even have the qualifications to be our top Auditor General?” (Click here for that article)

How can the people of this state trust the top Auditor General if his hand picked treasurer makes mistakes as simple as transposing beginning and ending balances on campaign spending reports?

Computer Crash? 

Are we to believe that our top Auditor is not smart enough to ensure his computer files have a regular back up as to prevent  such a problem?

Considering all of the issues being raised over the last several weeks regarding his campaign expenditures, this new twist sounds like they expect the teacher to believe the dog ate their homework.

If this guy is not smart enough to have his computer files backed up regularly, that in itself points to his lack of qualification to hold the Constitutional Office of Auditor General, in my opinion.

It’s time to resign Mr. Mautino! 

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