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February 14, 2025

Auditor General Frank Mautino facing official complaint to the State Board of Elections?

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On February 10, 2016

Springfield, IL. (ECWd) –

It has been over three weeks since we broke the story regarding Frank Mautino’s questionable campaign expenditures and it now appears things are moving in the direction we suspected would happen.

David Cook of Streator, Illinois has filed an official D4 complaint regarding Frank Mautino’s campaign expenditures, however, I suspect, as filed, it will get dismissed.

His complaint was against the “Office of the Auditor General” as the Respondent when in fact it should have been against his campaign, “Comittee for Frank J. Mautino”.

Since we are not attorneys we can not offer legal advice, however, if I were to file such a complaint with the wrong respondent named, I would re-file with the correct name of the actual campaign committee for Frank J. Mautino.

The complaint was filed February 5th, 2016.   We had submitted a FOIA to the State Board of Elections Monday of this week, and this complaint along with some other interesting documents were produced.  More on the other documents to come.

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Auditor General Article



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