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March 11, 2025

College of DuPage – Busted! Feast your eyes on the arrogance of Breuder –

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On January 19, 2016

DuPage Co. (ECWd) –

We have tried for months to get a specific record from COD regarding Breuder’s separation agreement, specifically the one he first presented to the Board under Erin Birt’s failed leadership.

Each and every time, no matter how we asked, we were told they did not ‘find’ records responsive to my request.

May we suggest they fire those in charge of looking for the requested records.  You see, the request was simple and we told them were to look.

Copy of e-mail attachment “17 l 68889 2_Proposed Separation Retirement Arrangement for Dr. Breuder.pdf’ that was sent to Robert Breuder on April 25, 2014 9:18 AM

One FOIA response claimed they could not find that attachment and in the other one I asked for this:

Copy of all emails sent to or received from [email protected] since January 2009.

I ended up with 74 pages of e-mails.  Any guess what was a usable link attachment in one of those emails?

“17 l 68889 2_Proposed Separation Retirement Arrangement for Dr. Breuder.pdf”

Yes, the very document they told me they could not find, I found in the emails they sent me under the heading ‘Attachment’, and it even was named exactly what I said.  All they had to do was a key word search and it would have been found.  Pretty sad that the very record they claim can’t be found is right in front of their face as an Attachment, just like I referenced.

Not only was the first proposed seperation retirement arrangement in those emails but also the revised one which we will disclose in another whopper of a story! .

Now that we finally have the record, let the people of District 502 feast their eyes on the arrogance of Robert Breuder!

Although the list below is not all inclusive, it will give you an idea why I believe his request shows his arrogance and out right disregard to the taxpayers of District 502.

  • COD shall provide Dr. and Wendy Breuder access and admittance to any COD program, facility or service (e.g., Waterleaf, McAninch Arts Center) at no cost to Dr. or Wendy Breuder
  • COD shall provide Dr. and Wendy Breuder medical, dental and vision coverage effective July 1, 2016, through June 30, 2026, at a level no less valuable (coverage and cost) than the coverage options offered to active employees of COD as in effect from time to time.
  • Dr. Breuder shall be subject to no performance reviews as of July 1, 2013
  • COD shall pay Dr. Breuder $313,1171 per year on a bi-weekly basis effective as of July 1, 2016, through June 30, 2021. ($1,565,585.00)
  • No later than November 1, 2016, COD shall erect a sign on the Homeland Security Education Center reflective of COD’s decision on May 7, 2013, identifying Dr. Breuder, and consistent in terms of style, format and size of all other COD building signs and dedications.
  • COD shall grant Dr. Breuder Emeritus status effective as of July 1, 2016. 

This arrogant tax abuser not only built a 5 star French Restaurant with your tax dollars, but he spent hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars boozing and eating at his luxury.

As if all that abuse was not enough, this arrogant piece of work wanted the taxpayers to continue wining, dining, and entertaining him and his wife, for the rest of his life! 

And the last request of this despicable former public official was a clause that basically would forbid the board from picking on him. Now if that is not rich, I don’t know what is.

“Terms and conditions to be set forth in a mutually agreeable separation agreement, including provisions protecting Dr. Breuder from harassment by the COD Board of Trustees, mutual non-disparagement, and customary agreement termination provisions.”

Stay tuned for a follow up story that indicates the former COD attorney is giving Breuder and his attorney advice on what to do with his offer in order to get the board to approve it, which is yet another reason that lawyer should never step foot back at COD!

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  • CC
    Posted at 17:26h, 20 January

    Beyond belief. That is a prescription for how to create a crew of hangers on.

  • Bulldog
    Posted at 10:40h, 20 January

    He’s a disgusting pig
