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March 28, 2025

IDOT-D5 and IAHE's Chapter 5 President –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On December 14, 2015

UPDATE:  12-15-2015 @ 12:33 – The IAHE-IL website was updated to remove her information, but I had already saved a copy…

I received a call from Bridgette Borries-Pierson, President of the Illinois Association of Highway Engineers, Chapter 5, which covers Paris, Illinois.
She started out stating that the letter we posted in THIS article was fine, but that it included her cell phone number and personal email address. I then stated that I would remove it, and her response was to snipe at me demanding it be removed “now”, then she hung up the phone.
We generally try to accommodate people when they request their personal contact information be redacted from our website, but since she started sniping at me and hung up the phone, even after I said I would remove it, I decided to check out the website to see if any of it was posted there.
Sure enough, under “Paris” tab and “News” tab, her cell phone number and personal email address is listed (they took the item off of their website – so they must be reading this…click here) (proof below) – which means she put it out there for the world to see.
In light of the same information posted on the association website, and the sniping and hanging up on me, and upon further reflection, have decided to leave the previous article as it was originally posted, without any redactions.

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  • Jimmy Crack Corn
    Posted at 19:00h, 14 December

    Her call to you could have been assumed to have been a simple and reasonable request from a public employee who didn’t want personal information divulged. I don’t know her, but her sniping, in addition to her abruptly terminating the call (hanging up on you), seems to clearly demonstrate her true reason for calling you…she wanted to snipe at you because just doesn’t like the Watchdogs. The whole scenario appears to illustrate just how simple minded she is. Doesn’t speak well for her, the IAHE or for IDOT. What’s the old saying, “Better to keep your mouth shut – and allow some one to think you are stupid – than to open it and confirm your stupidity.”

  • Chris M. Gaines
    Posted at 16:12h, 14 December

    Why is her supposedly private contact information located on a public website is the question remaining, obviously. She sounds like a typical public servant in my experience talking to one on the phone. Why would she act the way she did? You should now investigate her thoroughly, maybe she is hiding something…lol. Time for some FOIA request on her now, right? Sounds a bit vindictive, but the Truth has no agenda, right? Consider how this appears. Thank you. Have a nice day.

  • Warren J. Le Fever
    Posted at 16:09h, 14 December

    What’s she griping about? If She is paid with public funds, there’s all kinds of records out there with her info on it plus she didn’t consider it a problem until it was posted on this site. That’s probably the reason the original letter posting was sent – to prevent those nasty Watchdogs from making an issue of their wrongdoing, and that’s normal and that’s her mistake. I retired from IDOT years ago and I never had problems with people knowing how to reach me; then again, I wasn’t using state facilities for anything except State business.

  • former Paris resident
    Posted at 14:18h, 14 December

    Wow , a state employee being rude and sniping ??? Who’d of thunk ???
