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March 3, 2025

College of DuPage – The punting has begun!

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On December 22, 2015

DuPage Co. (ECWd)
A past article pointing to what we consider criminal acts by College of DuPage Trustees Birt, McGuire and Wozniak, encouraged local citizens to file a criminal complaint with the Sheriff and State’s Attorney.
It has been brought to our attention that many people have followed our suggestion, however, the indications are neither the Sheriff nor the State’s Attorney are the ones accepting complaints.
We have been told that the Sheriff’s office is telling people they are not the ones to contact and have told people that such a complaint needs to go to the College of DuPage police department.
Understanding the basic investigative principals, any complaint to the College of DuPage is more than likely going to get deferred to the Sheriff’s office because of the conflict of interest, thus our suggestion of contacting the Sheriff’s office in the first place.  Considering the Sheriff’s office is telling people to file with the COD police, we encourage citizens to do just that!
We have also been told by several citizens that the State’s Attorney’s office is only responding with a statement they can’t confirm or deny an investigation is taking place. Depending on the make up in that office, they may or may not have the investigative resources to handle this specific complaint.  If they are not going to take people’s complaints, they should be able to direct you to the appropriate entity to file such a complaint.
Based on their web site regarding reporting a crime, it points to contact information with the Sheriff.   Considering that office is telling people to contact COD Police Department, we once again encourage the citizens to contact them and file a formal complaint regarding the three COD trustees who have refused to perform their duties.  Such a refusal to perform their elected duties should be considered official misconduct as pointed out in the previous article.
College of DuPage Police Department Contact info”

Call (630) 942-2000

Web site link


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  • The ghost of Linus C. Hand
    Posted at 00:06h, 23 December

    Let’s not forget that COD’s district (District 502) extends into Cook County. It might be worth trying the Cook County Sheriff:
    Cook County Sheriff’s Public Corruption Hotline: (773) 674 – 4775

  • Kirk Allen
    Posted at 16:34h, 22 December

    Many legal minds have said YES, that would be a RICO action!

  • John D.
    Posted at 16:32h, 22 December

    What about the U.S. Attorney’s office over Illinois for a RICO complaint? The three of them teamed up to commit an illegal act. Wouldn’t that qualify under RICO?
