Clark Co., IL. (ECWd) –
We attended the hearing for both Motion for Sanctions the Clark County Park District filed against Kirk and I, claiming our lawsuit over the alleged Open Meetings Act violation was frivolous and basically filed in bad faith.
The Court heard both party’s arguments and Denied the District’s Motions for Sanctions.
Now we will start the appeal process to ask the Appellate Court to overturn the Circuit Court’s granting of the Motion to Dismiss.
We fully believe the Park District violated the OMA when they failed to publicly recite two resolutions prior to voting, refused to tell a citizen at the meeting what they had just voted on, and refused to let others know claiming they could find out after it was filed at the Courthouse.
The egregious actions by the Park District cannot be allowed to stand, and will be appealed.

Posted at 08:21h, 05 NovemberWish there was someone like you in our county
Posted at 18:13h, 04 NovemberWish their were more people like you …
Posted at 18:10h, 04 NovemberThis arrogance and power abuse is unbelievable….
Posted at 17:46h, 04 NovemberClark Co. Park District’s Motion for Sanction Denied –