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March 28, 2025

Champaign -Urbana Public Health District questionable spending?

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On November 23, 2015

Champaign Co. (ECWd) –
Many have wondered how you can make a difference when it comes to fixing the out of control spending  in some of our public bodies.
The first step is knowing where the money is going so the right questions can be asked.   As we reported in this article, this agency purchased a life size Penis costume for the Gay Pride parade and claimed it was HIV Prevention Equipment.  We all know that such a costume has nothing to do with HIV prevention.

Public health related, or someone’s agenda?

What else is this agency spending your money on? When you go through this list simply ask yourself, what public purpose related to a health department do these purchases have.  If you cannot identify a public purpose for the health department, then chances are it is an illegal purchase.  Please note that the law is very clear and tells them what they can spend their money on, and rest assured these items are not found in the statute. (Health District Act)

  • $1,059.85- for Pride T-Shirts – line 2011 of spread sheet
  • $396.06- for Secretary Gifts – line 29 of spread sheet
  • $1,225.21-  for Comcast Cable – line 4358 of spread sheet
  • $9,144.96- for sports equipment – line 5898 of spread sheet
  • $39.50- for chain saw rental – line 5942 of spread sheet
  • $18.21- for Pride Parade Supplies & Postage – line 9650 of spread sheet
  • $35.00- Premier Rewards membership – line 10703 of spread sheet
  • $125.00 – DONATION – All in the Jeans Day – line 10771 of spread sheet
  • $534.50 – Mommy and Me T-Shirts – line 10942 of spread sheet
  • $20,000.00 – Regional Planning Commission – line 11359 of spread sheet
  • $1,000.00 – for Gas Cards — line 13155 of spread sheet
  • $476.00  – United Way contributions – line 13382 of spread sheet
  • $7,310.01 – for University of Illinois bike ride activities – line 13418- 13431 of spread sheet
  • $451.00  – for Bike racks for the Urbana Park District – line 13475 of spread sheet
  • $3,594.00  – for umbrellas – line 13681 of spread sheet
  • Over $50K in “Confidential ‘Rent’ Payments”

(Click here to review entire spread sheet -Excel format)
Clearly many of these expenditures are questionable to say the least.  A 30 minute review of this spread sheet resulted in the above findings.
Once you have identified the questionable expenditures it is time to file a another Freedom of Information request for more details related to the spending.   We submitted a request for receipts, purchase orders, invoices etc. for many of the above listed items.
Once we receive that information we will prove how many of these expenditures are not within the scope of a Public Health District Act.
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  • SafeLibraries
    Posted at 10:39h, 24 November

    A “life size Penis costume”? What, like six inches? Is it a costume for a squirrel? That costs $217.50? How can a squirrel in a Penis costume prevent HIV.
    Oooooooooh! HIV! Hibernating In Vehicle! The Penis costume keeps the squirrel warm so it no longer needs to hibernate in a vehicle! Cool! But why is the government paying for that?
    (That was fun, but the issues you raise are serious. I just have no squirrel in that fight.)

  • rick sullivan
    Posted at 07:27h, 24 November

    Just keep paying your taxes and let the watchdogs do everything for you ….DONATE PLEASE
    I DO……………..

  • Chris M. Gaines
    Posted at 21:57h, 23 November

    With regard to reliable HIV tests, the answer is still no as there are none. No HIV antibody test is actually testing for HIV-specific antibodies or any marker that is unique to HIV. HIV viral load tests, which many people assume test for the actual virus, do not. The tests detect and amplify fragments of genetic material (DNA or RNA) that are attributed to HIV but are not shown through proper isolation to be unique to HIV. A viral load is not synonymous with or indicative of a measure of whole infectious virus. In fact, viral load tests were not approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for diagnosing HIV infection but for prognostic use (predicting which people who test positive on HIV tests might “progress to illness”). A disclaimer on the test states they are “not intended to be used as a screening test for HIV or to confirm HIV infection.” I think confusion can be a natural consequence of examining information that contradicts popular ideas. I hope I’ve at least been of some help in clarifying why we should all be confused! 

  • Charlie Sheen
    Posted at 21:19h, 23 November

    The real questions we all should be asking is… Are HIV tests 100% accurate? NO! Do they have a disclaimer within them that reflects that? YES! How much money is made off the HIV/AIDS industry ? BILLIONS! Who promotes and profits off these toxic and deadly HIV treatment drugs? PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES AND OUR GOVERNMENT! Why? Huge profits and control of We the People. Facts you can easily verify with a simple Google search my friends. Please consider doing this and get more informed so you can make an informed decision based on the facts, not fear. Thank you.

  • Aware n Arcola
    Posted at 18:59h, 23 November

    $396.06-for secretary gifts;$1000.00 for gas cards?Thats nothing compared to Arcola Township,the gas cards down here are worth $4600.00!As far as gifts go,what do you buy for a secertary that makes more than $80,000.00/yr. off the taxing bodies in Arcola Township?

  • Dave
    Posted at 15:54h, 23 November

    Over $50K in “Confidential ‘Rent’ Payments”??? Real transparent….. NOT!! Just unbelievable! Where are the T-Shirts that say “Stop the High Risk” HIV/AIDS behavior

  • Dave
    Posted at 15:49h, 23 November


  • Philo Beddoe
    Posted at 15:33h, 23 November

    10 grand to the U of I for spatial analysis lab? Confidential client rent? Wonder if some of the employees happen to live at these apartment complexes?
