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March 3, 2025

Clark Co. Park District October Meeting – York Township Wants Out Of District –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On October 16, 2015

Clark Co., IL. (ECWd) –
This moth’s meeting of the Clark County Park District had several items on the agenda, of them were:

  • Public Comment, which had a representative of York Township who asked the CCPD Board to considered de-annexing York Township form the park district so they can form their own park district.
  • Warren LeFever, Marshall City Alderman, asked about the district’s proposal on taxes for the upcoming year
  • John Kraft asked about the district’s membership in the Chamber of Commerce and the Marshall Economic Development Association – informing the board that the Park District Code does not allow public funds to be used for that purpose
  • Somebody else commented on a board member (Wallace) missing the last meeting and stating that the board member must have had better things to do……..but he failed to mention Ron Stone “having better things to do” than to attend this particular meeting.

On other business, Joe Ewing (the one who cheated on the election and is fraudulently holding office) stated that he would appoint the Ethics Commission “tomorrow” (which is today as I write this) – but I am wondering how he can appoint the commission when there is no meeting scheduled. Additionally, he stated that he had been finding people willing to be on the commission. Since Ewing is a defendant in the ethics complaint, it seems kind of odd having a defendant selecting his own “judge” and “jury” to hear the ethics complaint against him – any guesses what the outcome will be?
This is wrong, and at the very least has the appearance of impropriety.
Elections are sacred and people must have full faith and confidence in the election process. That faith no longer exists in Clark County.
The board also appointed the Ethics Commission attorney for the sole purpose of navigating the intricacies of an ethics commission and the processes used. They voted to hire their existing attorney as the ethics commission attorney.
It is our understanding that York Township wants out of the district and Marshall is considering something similar. They are upset that the district will no longer “donate” park district funds to local parks as had been done in the past. Those past actions violated the Park District Code. There is a way for these local parks and the district to help each other, and that is thru a “Joint Recreational Program” – but the appearance is the local parks want nothing of the sort and are only interested in the money, which they cannot legally receive under the same conditions they used to receive it under.


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