Edgar Co., IL. (ECWd) –
This will be of interest to those seeking to become a Precinct Committeeman in Edgar County’s former Symmes and Paris-5 Precincts.
In June of 2015, the County Board divided these precinct, as the law mandates, due to their having over 800 voters each.
The new divided precincts are Symmes-1, Symmes-2, Paris-5, and Paris 15 – as described below.
UNOFFICIAL maps are in this previous article (here).
According to the County Clerk, voting locations remain the same for voters in the affected precincts.
Paris 5
Part of Paris Township, Edgar County Illinois, beginning at the intersection of Illinois Route 1 (United States Route 150) and Elliot Street in the City of Paris; thence east along the centerline of Elliot Street extended easterly to the centerline of High Street; thence south along the centerline of High Street to the centerline of Blackburn Street; thence east along the centerline of Blackburn Street to centerline of Dill Avenue; thence south along the centerline of Dill Avenue to the centerline of Edgar Street; thence west along the centerline of Edgar Street to the centerline of the alley between Main Street and Central Street; thence north along the centerline of said alley and northerly extension thereof to the centerline of Elliot Street; thence east to the point of beginning.
Paris 15
Part of Paris Township, Edgar County, Illinois, beginning at the intersection of Illinois Route 1 (United States Route 150) and Elliot Street; thence north along the centerline of Illinois Route 1 (United States Route 150) to the north boundary of Paris Township; thence east along north boundary of Paris Township to the east boundary Paris Township; thence south along the east boundary Paris Township to the intersection of Blackburn St extended easterly extended centerline of Blackburn Street; thence west along extended centerline of Blackburn Street and the centerline of Blackburn Street to the centerline of High Street; thence north along the centerline of High Street to the centerline of Elliot Street extended easterly; thence west along the extended centerline and centerline of Elliot Street to the point of beginning.
Symmes 1
All that part of Symmes Township, Edgar County, Illinois, lying east of the centerline of Illinois Route 1.
Symmes 2
All that part of Symmes Township, Edgar County, Illinois, lying west of the centerline of Illinois Route 1.

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