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October 19, 2024

Tri-State FPD Trustee – Cease and Desist – LOL

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On August 17, 2015

DuPage Co. (ECWd) –
When will elected officials learn that just because they get exposed for breaking the law, it does not give them any authority to issue a cease and desist.
Micheal Orrico, the trustee that buys several ambulances from the very company he works for (article here), takes a job in Murphy, Texas while continuing to hold an elected office in DuPage County (article here) , and then tops it off with getting fired from his TX gig and buys a house in Joliet, which is out of his Fire District (article here), now thinks we are going to back off with his e-mailed cease and desist.

Oh is he in for a surprise!

From Orrico:

Mr. Allen,

Please allow me to notify you and your publication with official notification to cease and desist in your further attempts to call or contact me. I now feel that your excessive attempts via various means are harassing. Further attempts by you and/or any person or agent associated with you will result in further consultation with my legal counsel ans a pursuit of legal remedies.

Thank you,
Mike Orrico
My response:
Mr. Orrico, please allow me to notify you, as a public official you have no authority to demand a cease and desist regarding future attempts to contact you in that capacity. As a member of the media we have every right to question your actions as a trustee.
In addition, I would not have had to attempt contact beyond the first e-mail had you simply responded as you claimed you were going to.
In regards to your “feelings” that a couple e-mails and an attempted phone call as being harassing, rest assured it is not harassment. As a public official the public has a right to know if you intend on resigning from your elected office since you do not reside in the district.
You can consider this yet another attempt to establish what your intentions are as it relates to your elected position as Tri-State Fire Protection District trustee.
If you feel you need further consultation with your legal counsel and pursuit of legal remedies may I make a couple suggestions.
1. Let your attorney know you have been holding office without legal authority as the law requires residency.
2. Have your attorney contact us at his earliest convenience regarding this matter as maybe he is willing to go on the record as to what your intentions are as an elected official who no longer resides in the district.
The question stands. Do you intend on resigning from your trustee position? A simple yes or no will be sufficient for our future reporting on that topic.
Kirk Allen
As you can see, Mr. Orrico exhibits the same arrogance we routinely find with so many public officials.  Who does this guy think he is that he does not have to answer to questions pertaining to him illegally holding an elected position?
When I received his cease and desist I could only laugh as we add yet another one to our long list of baseless requests from ignorant public officials.
We will continue to update the status of Mr. Orrico as it relates to the Tri-State FPD.


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1 Comment
  • Dave
    Posted at 09:23h, 18 August

    Oh what a tangled web…. well you know the rest. Sir Walter Scott was sure spot on. Just do the right thing Mike, its so much easier.
