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March 29, 2025

Airport Manager Says He “Visually Verified” Insurance Policy –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On May 18, 2015

EDGAR CO., IL – (ECWd) –

After repeated requests for proof that disgraced former Edgar County Board Chairman, Chris Patrick, actually has insurance on his airplane stored in the t-hangar, and that the insurance names Edgar County as additionally insured for $1 million…the Airport Manager, Jerry Griffin, expects people to believe that he personally saw the insurance policy, but does not have a copy of it.

Keep in mind this is the same Jerry Griffin that lied on almost every part of his job application, to include lying about where he worked and the type of work he performed – but yet, somehow, this county board just simply believes him when he says his buddy showed him a copy of the insurance policy. Previous articles on Jerry Griffin: Why Lie?More Damning EvidenceSecret Airplane Crash The rest of them.

Here is the latest answer received from the FOIA request for a copy of the insurance policy:

“#2. It is my understanding that Jerry Griffin, Airport Manager, has visually verified the insurance for Chris Patrick’s lease.”

What next?

Sue the County (We will write that article later this week).

What is a public record?

(c) "Public records" means all records, reports, forms, writings, letters, memoranda, books, papers, maps, photographs, microfilms, cards, tapes, recordings, electronic data processing records, electronic communications, recorded information and all other documentary materials (insurance policy) pertaining to the transaction of public business (compliance with lease terms), regardless of physical form or characteristics, having been prepared by or for (to prove compliance with lease terms), or having been or being used by, received by, in the possession of, or under the control of any public body (Edgar County & the airport).



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  • Peggy B
    Posted at 13:58h, 19 May

    We run a small business and we have to name all of the manufacturers we do business with as additional insured entities. We also have to send these companies copies of our insurance showing they are named. If we were to let our policy lapse they would notify each of the manufacturers that we did not have any insurance. That is how it works. Make the plane owner produce a copy of the insurance certificate. Fire the guy that falsified his credentials and start legal action or take a vote of no confidence against the board who continues to bury their head in the sand. Until people stand up and demand answers nothing will change. Put enough pressure on them and talk to the newspapers and mention names and things might start changing.

  • Sick of it all....
    Posted at 08:52h, 19 May

    Sick of it all…. I’d like to know what the lease agreement states as to the requirements of the lease. Does it say they must PROVIDE A COPY of the insurance, showing the airport as Additional Insured? If that is the case, what are the consequences of not satisfying the lease agreement? Is the lease null and void?? If there are no consequences, it’s kind of pointless to REQUIRE that they provide proof of insurance, isn’t it? Also, the Insurance company / agent should be sending a copy of the Certificate of Insurance to the Airport, as they are an additional insured… and the airport should also be notified if the insurance policy lapses for any reason. That’s the point of being named additional insured!. So if the airport has only “visually inspected” the insurance policy, I’d say the airport isn’t named, and they won’t be notified if the policy lapses, if there is a policy in force at all! So someone needs to get on the phone to the Insurance agent and tell them they need a paper copy of the Certificate of Insurance with the airport listed as Add’l Insd right away. Then follow up BEFORE the policy anniversary date to get an updated copy for the next policy period. It’s not like there are hundreds to keep track of! This is an ongoing process as long as there are any lease agreements in force. Don’t wait until something happens and then find out there wasn’t any coverage!! Get rid of the airport manager as he obviously has NO CLUE how to take care of the paperwork needed to make sure the County is covered.. That’s his job!!!!!! Fire him now… just another lie he’s told. How many is too many lies!!!??? Doe sit take ten lies, twenty lies??? before he’s terminated?? Next, replace the Board with people that will actually try to do what they are supposed to do!!! This board has no clue!!!

  • ECWDogs
    Posted at 21:45h, 18 May

    Airport Manager Says He “Visually Verified” Insurance Policy –
