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February 11, 2025

Chicago still hiding Rahm Emanuel’s records from public –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On April 23, 2015

Chicago, IL. (ECWd) –

We posted an article a few weeks ago (here) detailing how the City of Chicago had taken steps to hide, and lie about hiding, records related to potential debts owed to the city by Mayor Emanuel.

Now, another person has been attempting to get copies of document related to the mayor, and it is evident the City is still trying to hide those records from the public.

First, they extend the response time by 5 additional days claiming they need to consult with other departments within the city, and then when those additional 5 days have passed they claim there are no records responsive to the request for copies of payments of the mayor’s utility bills and traffic fines. Amazing isn’t it? Consulting with other departments on records that do not exist? Simply amazing…

“If there is nothing to hide, why hide it?”

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  • Chicao Way
    Posted at 04:49h, 24 April

    Here in Arcola the headline would read “Arcola Township still hiding secretary’s records from public”.

  • joelake1714
    Posted at 17:14h, 23 April

    Chicago still hiding Rahm Emanuel’s records from public – via @ECWDogs

  • ECWDogs
    Posted at 15:36h, 23 April

    Chicago still hiding Rahm Emanuel’s records from public –
