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March 28, 2025

COD – Any validity to the MAC numbers presented? – Part II

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On March 22, 2015

DuPage Co. – (ECWd) –

The short answer to the question is “NO!

Thank you to Laura Reigle who pointed out these deficiencies during the public comment of the last COD Board meeting. Once again citizens have no problem finding mistakes in their numbers, yet the high dollar administration that bragged about how great of a job they are doing are the very ones screwing this up!

(Download the Presentation and focus on page 5 and 14)

  • Page 5 of their presentation to the board and the public showed a MAC deficit for 2014 of ($161,045.00).
  • Page 14 of the very same presentation showed a MAC deficit for 2014 to be ($340,545)

A difference of $179,500.00

So how do you explain a $179 thousand dollar difference?

Because they reflect two different set of numbers for the Revenues!

  • Page 5 of their presentation to the board and the public showed a MAC Revenues  for 2014 of $862,477.00
  • Page 14 of the very same presentation showed a MAC Revenues for 2014 to be $682,977.00

So what is the public to believe?  If they can’t get a simple power point presentation right how are they suppose to be able to manage a $200 Million Dollar Budget?


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1 Comment
  • Lynn
    Posted at 16:05h, 26 March

    Yes, you are correct. This was done intentionally. Page 14 does not include the amount of funds transferred from the College to support MAC Operations of $179,500. If you have some questions for things that you do not understand, ask us, instead of going and saying it is wrong.
