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October 19, 2024

Bloomington, IL. Mayor Renner Censured by City Council for offensive comments –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On February 22, 2015


On Friday, February 20, 2015, the Bloomington City Council held a Special Meeting and Censured Bloomington Mayor Tari Renner for his offensive comments towards a local writer who wrote things he did not agree with.

Here are some of his comments leading up to this:

NO! Diane! It shows what an ABSOLUTE AND TOTAL PIECE OF GARBAGE you are -actually worse because garbage can be converted into something useful – you are a TOTAL ABSOLUTE HUMAN CANCER! PLEASE quote me on that! I haven’ checked this site in ages because it’s mostly crazy bullshit -to be charitable! But, WHEN YOU ATTACK MY SON YOU ARE GOING TO PAY THE PRICE YOU SICK DIRTY SLIMY IGNORANT FOOL! And, frankly, that’s raising you to a level you ABSOLUTELY don’t deserve!
Nothing you ever report on this site makes any sense because I will give people anything they want to know about their government. Diane you REALLY are the craziest human being I”ve ever known. This WILL be my last post on this sick site of the worst part of humanity! The fact that some of you still think you’re Christians is PATHETIC! There is a special place in hell for you!


Watch the video and read the Censure Resolution: Click here:



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1 Comment
  • Chris M. Gaines
    Posted at 14:17h, 23 February

    Obviously this city council is doing damage control now because of being exposed for what they are, insensitive, corrupt public servants involved in criminal activity.

    Thanks for exposing this story on your site . Good job John and Kirk! It’s just more inspiration for us all who are already informed and hopefully I pray will inspire more citizens to speak out, especially at public meetings. Its obviously VERY effective and what these type of corrupt public servants fear the most. THE LIGHT OF DAY while they hide in the shadows. More citizens should get MORE involved in our Republic and utilize the public comment period in our public meetings. Keep pushing back, I sense the tide is turning in our State finally and I thank We the People for that along with Jesus Christ. Prayers are being answered evidently. Prayer is a powerful thing, more than anything one person can do. Pray more for all of us. May God have mercy on all our souls. We are responsible for allowing to this happen to our society on our watch.

    Demand electoral reforms and government transparency and then actually VOTE REGULARLY like your life depended on it because evidently it does in reality. Vote these corrupt public servants out of office. Replace them with honest, caring and people willing to be held accountable for their actions. Please vote, and resist the status quo. Resistance is key, not a revolution. Resistance. Resistance to government TYRANNY and FASCISM, racism masked as patriotism. Don’t buy the lies your fed to produce the fear they need to justify their jobs and the money to support their bloated annual ever increasing budgets.

    They don’t pay for any of this public corruption unless WE THE PEOPLE expose it publicly. That is our civic duty as responsible citizens. Do more, or you can only blame yourself. Silence, apathetic citizens is what they need to thrive. Speak out for all those who can’t or won’t for whatever reasons.

    Blog more, not less obviously…share more information so we all can benefit from it and then make more informed decisions based on verifiable evidence and make responsible choices in our lives.

    Words are a powerful thing, especially online, like a virtual virus, seeds planted that will be harvested by all those seeking inspiration and strength to fight these unseen forces at work against us all.

    Please consider getting more informed and involved in our Republic in our United States of America. We the People can and do make a difference in our community. THANK God for that. And God Bless America and all nations of OUR world.All of us, were all cconnected to each other. Know what is in front of your own face Jesus Christ tells us in the Holy Bible. Understand that, please. That’s key. Open Source intelligence is vital to our survival as a peaceful society. Think more, expect results like this to happen more often, not less.
