DuPage Co. (ECWd) –
History has proven the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree and more often than not bad apple trees produce bad apples.
This may be the case for COD Candidate Dave Carlin. His father was none other than Mark Carlin who was caught on a trail cam stealing campaign signs belonging to State Representative Jeanne Ives.
So now we know how daddy operates, and after reading previous minutes from the actions of Dave Carlin, “son of sign thief”, Mark Carlin, we can see he is the person to blame for the naming of the Homeland Security Education Center after the clearly despicable and disgraced COD President, Robert Breuder. (Read item 7 of the minutes where this stupidity took place in 2013.)
And the most amazing comment from the former disgraced COD Chairman who now wants the voters to “trust” him by voting for him, we find this quote, which should go down in history! A question he asked in his push to support the naming of the Homeland Security Education Center after Robert Breuder.
“Do you think potential donors of the College are going to be offended by honoring such distinguished leadership and service?”
On behalf of the residents of the State of Illinois, I believe most will agree that the answer to that question is……. YES!
To the voters of District 502, if you vote for Dave Carlin you can be proud that you are a party to what may go down in history as one of the most corrupt payoffs in Illinois history.
Voters Beware!
DO NOT vote for Dave Carlin as COD Trustee!
Dave Carlin
Posted at 22:27h, 31 JanuaryI look forward to chatting face-to-face. Please let me know when you next plan to be in the area and/or when a meeting is convenient for you.
Dave Carlin
Posted at 22:49h, 30 JanuaryKirk,
When the above video was brought to my attention in 2012 I instructed all of campaign volunteers that they were not to touch opponents signs under any circumstance, whether the signs were legally placed or not.
I hope we have an opportunity to chat soon regarding our mutual interests of good government and transparency. I left my cell number on your tip line.
Dave Carlin
Kirk Allen
Posted at 20:35h, 31 JanuarySo Dave you instructed them not to touch opponents signs AFTER the video came to light? My first question, what type of campaign volunteers do you have that need to EVER be told not to steal signs?
Since your telling them after the exposure one can now ask, why weren’t they instructed not to do this from the beginning before it ever happen?
Do you really need to instruct your father not to do this? Seriously?
I welcome a time to chat face to face but until that happens know this. You sir should withdraw your name from the ballot and save you and your family a whole lot of embarrassment. The history we have uncovered of your actions is more than sufficient to cast serous concerns on you and we fully intend on exposing each and every illegal act.
Bob Acton
Posted at 15:20h, 30 JanuaryWhy do I keep laughing every time I read the title “trustee” in front of the names of these board members? I just can’t help it. Something so ironic, so utterly ridiculous just evokes spasms of derisive laughter. But then I realize the public keeps electing these types of bozos and sobriety quickly returns me to an upright position as I brace for a hard landing.
Posted at 15:09h, 30 JanuaryEven worse-Carlin has been going around attacking Kathy Hamilton and telling the Republican precinct committeemen that Adam Andrzejewski lauded COD for its openness and transparency, conveniently forgetting to mention that Carlin was the guy who helped Breuder get rid of all those transparency policies…
COD friend
Posted at 15:23h, 16 FebruaryIf I am recalling correctly, and I may not be, Carlin accused the students of siding with the COD faculty during the strike threats because they were being graded by those same teachers. Carlin losing his board seat was the first step in many needed in weeding out the entrenched corruption at COD amongst the board and hierarchy. KEEP HIM OUT!
Posted at 15:37h, 16 FebruaryThat’s like saying the student today, are content with the current board and president only because they would raise tuition if the students felt otherwise…?
Posted at 16:46h, 16 FebruaryYes. Its saying the students were accused of only agreeing with the faculty because they were afraid they would be failed if they felt otherwise. Thus it suggests (accuses) the faculty of using their position to coerce students to take their side of the argument or suffer. I believe all of this was in the school paper. Along with other half truths and misguided statements aimed at disgracing faculty as “malcontents”. Yes. They were literally called malcontents by the administration.
Kirk Allen
Posted at 23:20h, 16 FebruaryYES, it was Carlin. Faculty member Hanson asked for the Following in a FOIA: “Any and all emails, correspondence or other documents that Chairman Carlin received
from students that indicate coercion, pressure, a quid pro quo to trade attendance at the
April 19 board meeting or corresponding with the Board of Trustees of the College of
DuPage to advocate for the faculty in any way shape or form. We realize that names may
be redacted to protect the privacy of students however we strongly request that names
specific faculty be included so we address this issue with them.”
And you can imagine, COD had no records responsive to this request!