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March 29, 2025

InvEnergy’s California Ridge Noise Study report is not credible –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On December 4, 2014


Recently, Steve Ambrose, Board Certified INCE member, completed his review of the March 2014 California Ridge (Vermilion County, Illinois) InvEnergy Wind Turbine IPCB Noise Compliance Study performed and submitted by Mike Hankard and Dr. Paul Schomer on behalf of InvEnergy.
Mr. Ambrose was very critical of their report.  His statements include the following:
-This report is not credible
– does not comply with IPCB rules
-does not meet the intent to prove noise level compliance.”
Ambrose emphasizes, “the March 7th, 2014 report should not be used as a reference source for any purpose.”
Steve Ambrose gave his permission to distribute and publish his report for the benefit of the general public throughout Illinois and other communities faced with wind turbine noise impacts.
This report should be published on the Vermilion County website immediately adjacent to the California Ridge Noise Compliance report – but we all know pro-wind-at-any-cost Donahue would never let that happen.
Despite all we have learned, and all the personal testimony the board has heard from numerous residents experiencing the negative consequences of living too close to industrial wind turbines, the Vermilion County website continues to be “pro-wind lopsided”. The website features published reports which were flat-out rejected (in the case of John Alexander’s opinion paper), questionable (in the case of the APEX wind project decommissioning analysis by Burns and McDonnell), and non-compliant (in the case of Hankard-Schomer noise study vs. IPCB protocol).
The Vermilion County board has learned a lot in the past 2 years, and it is now time to correct some past mistakes.  The Wind Ordinance Ad Hoc Committee has the opportunity to recommend important changes to the existing wind ordinance that will safeguard the safety, health and well-being of Vermilion County residents.
Read the report below:
[gview file=””]


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