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March 28, 2025

Update on Edgar County Airport’s most recent plane crash –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On November 16, 2014


More information has surfaced that seems to prove more lies were told by Mr. Jerry Griffin as to the timing of the most recent plane crash at the Edgar County Airport. Griffin is quoted as saying the crash happened in June of this year, but we have recently obtained information through the Freedom of Information Act that paints a different picture.

Information provided by the airport in response to a FOIA request indicates that “Jerry” purchased $166.50 worth of fuel for tail number N736AA on July 31, 2014 – see page 23 of the pdf below.

Invoice 07/31/2014 018105 02-N736AA JERRY… 100LL FUEL 100LL FUEL 166.50

We find it odd, that if the plane crashed in June, fuel would be purchased for it on the last day of July. Incidentally, Griffin started working as the airport manager in August of this year.

This can only lead to the speculation that the plane crashed either on July 31 or at some period after that date. According to airport records, no more fuel has been purchased for that tail number since July 31, 2014. This verifies the truthfulness of other reports we received indicating it crashed in the August-September-October time-frame.

When will the lies stop, and truth be told?

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  • concerned
    Posted at 20:21h, 18 November

    Interesting, because according to FAARegs. 830, it was an “incident” that incurred ” structural damage” which therefore requires reporting to the NTSB. No record of “incident” in the NTSB database. Maybe Jerry is breaking a Federal law.?????

  • Mistake
    Posted at 10:29h, 17 November

    You have a mistake in your article: “Information provided by the airport in response to a FOIA request indicates that “Jerry” purchased $166.50 worth of fuel for tail number N176AA on July 31, 2014”

    The tail number N176AA is a Boeing 757. This should read tail number N736AA.

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 10:57h, 17 November

      Thanks – I fixed it…

  • Concerned
    Posted at 11:45h, 16 November

    You need to contact the repair station at Hulman Field regarding the above mentioned crash. I believe there are pictures and contract for repairs. Just from what little knowledge I have heard.
