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March 14, 2025

NPR Journalistic Malpractice?

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On October 11, 2014

Northern Public Radio (ECWd) –

Within about 5 1/2 hours of publishing their original article referencing spending at the College of DuPage, the Northern Public Radio made significant changes to their article. They kept the same title, and kept the same hyperlink as the original article.

They also failed to acknowledge that changes were made, and under whose direction. I suspect they received phone calls or emails from COD demanding changes be made, and I will work on discovering that part.

Below are both versions of the article with the major changes highlighted in the updated version.

See for yourself:


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1 Comment
  • Mack Johnson
    Posted at 23:37h, 12 October

    putting the words “NPR” and journalism in the same sentence is too oxymoronic for logic. NPR has never produced good journalism given the fact they have an agenda. Not surprising they’re pulling the quick change under the pressure of an “unseen” actor or hand. Thank goodness the watchdogs are not beholding to market pressures and those who have an interest in keeping the truth well hidden.
