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March 3, 2025

Gov. Quinn & Lisa Madigan must be held accountable!

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On August 10, 2014


When an agency is given tax payer money under the Governor’s Neighborhood Recovery Initiative (NRI) and Illinois Violence Prevention Authority (IVPA) it’s done with obligations by those receiving the funds.

It is also supposed to have oversight by those giving the money!  In this case, Attorney General Lisa Madigan, our top law enforcement person in the state, was the Co-Chair of the IVPA who we reported earlier had never attended a single board meeting of the very organization she was in charge of.  (Click here for that article)

What happens when we have no over-site or accountability in this state?  Corruption and lawlessness, which we all know has become the primary embarrassment to this state.

How does an agency selected to be a part of these programs get away with spending over $75,000.00 of our money and not have one shred of documentation?  How is it that Attorney General Madigan has not charged anyone with Official Misconduct?

Is it any surprise that the very organization that was teaching parents that it is the Police who are killing their kids at night (Click here for that article) is the same organization that has no documentation to support the spending of our tax dollars?  To be exact, $75,203.13  was spent without any documentation as to what it was spent on.  (Click here for documented proof)

Christian Love Missionary Baptist Church, certified to auditors during expense site testing they had no support for any expenses.

Executive Director Jack Cutrone,  and Reshma Desai, Research Assistant for the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA), who took over the failed project was asked by auditors how this issue was handled.  Neither had a response.  (Click here for that documentation – see page 10 of 12)

By all indications, in the State of Illinois, under the leadership of Gov. Pat Quinn and Attorney General Lisa Madigan, there is no accountability to the tax payers nor any accountability to the laws in our state.  I believe any first year paralegal student could make the case for criminal charges when $75,000.00+ dollars are spent without one shred of documentation of where it was spent.

Gov. Quinn and Attorney General Madigan should be held accountable.  Unfortunately in this state, the only hope for accountability lies in the voting booths.




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  • Chris M. Gaines
    Posted at 04:45h, 13 August

    I agree obviously. Duh. Vote them ALL out of public office and put then PROSECUTE them ALL and SENTENCE them ALL to prison. It’s organized crime in ALL POLITICS, not just the democrats, republicans tooo.

    It’s a RICO case investigation and prosecution. Duh. Why aren’t the FEDS investigating these allegations? Or are they? Where is the FBI in Illinois, investing in our future or theirs? Demand government transparency! Demand electoral reforms! Get involved in your LOCAL community and our JOIN OUR resistance MOVEMENT LOCALLY against Government TYRANNY!

  • Dave
    Posted at 18:17h, 10 August

    The very reason why the house speaker’s daughter shouldn’t be the AG. Organized crime by the democrats
