The Orland Park Public Library Child Porn Scandal (as of 6/20/14)

Someone today asked me for an up-to-date look at the Orland Park Public Library Child Porn scandal and everything that’s happened with this case since October of 2013 when it all began. So, I put this together and thought it might be useful for you as well. So much has happened, but I tried to put all the instances of abuse of power by the Orland Park Public Library Board of Trustees (the OPPL-BoT) and the Orland Park Police Department in here. The whole story of what’s been happening could fill a book.
This is a case study of a public body with complete contempt for the public, following a radical agenda not wanted by the community, and encouraged to violate the law by attorneys at Klein Thorpe Jenkins who have billed close to $100,000 since October of 2013 to keep child porn accessible at taxpayer expense.

Other emails reveal that E. Kenneth Friker was in contact with Chief McCarthy at this time as well, seemingly putting pressure on the Police Chief to harass Megan over her YouTube account after she complained about seeing a man arousing himself and committing disorderly conduct in the Library.
Megan wrote about this first attempt to use the police against her to silence her as a critic here: http://pjmedia.com/lifestyle/2013/11/12/public-library-director-emails-police-to-have-me-investigated-for-writing-a-song-about-the-2nd-amendment/
A tactic like this is designed as a pressure point to be used on the critics to make them afraid of the increasingly large police file being created on them and to alienate these critics from allies and friends, since people naturally start to wonder why the police are being called all the time if what the critics are doing is not wrong. Fessler’s behavior on 10/23/13 and afterwards is currently the subject of a complaint before the Attorney Registration & Disciplinary Commission. That complaint asks the ARDC to revoke Fessler’s license to practice law in Illinois because of his behavior since October of 2013 in matters related to the OPPL-BoT.
Julie Anne Craig (one of only two “good guys” on the Board who is against child porn) is the ex-wife of a former Bears player and was at one time a popular model. Diane Jennings, also on the Board, is known as “The Calendar Girl” because she attends each monthly meeting dressed in a costume meant to depict the major holiday that month (or a minor holiday of her choosing).

10. Library Spokesmen Bridget Bittman repeatedly and aggressively lied to the news media, denying that child porn was accessed and saying that no sex crimes had occurred in the Library. She also lied about the number of instances of illegal activity in the Library where the police should have been called. Mostly, the media let her get away with this because the media seems determined to not write a negative story about a library. But, on 11/6/13, Bittman went on the Dan Proft & Bruce Wolf show on 89 WLS AM and attempted to lie about the child porn that was accessed in the Library. Proft and Wolf forced her to finally admit that, yes, indeed child porn was accessed in the building.This was the last radio interview that Bittman ever gave. From then on, she only made prepared statements to the media via press releases and short emails and would never again agree to a live on-air interview.
Megan wrote about it on PJ Media here: http://pjmedia.com/lifestyle/2013/11/09/orland-park-public-librarys-spokesperson-admits-to-report-of-child-porn/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDNJQXHlqjI&list=UU9XP_Ax4_vTi1IqSSRD9ORQ
11. Saturday Night Live caught wind of this story and mocked the OPPL during Seth Meyers’ Weekend Update segment: http://pjmedia.com/lifestyle/2013/11/18/saturday-night-live-features-orland-park-public-librarys-new-free-porn-policy/
12. FOURTH AND FIFTH ATTEMPTS TO — USE POLICE AGAINST CRITICS…Here is an article that Megan wrote recapping the first five times that the OPPL-BoT engaged in the pattern and practice of making false police reports about Fox & DuJan in that “build a record” strategy.

Attempts #4 and #5 in the pattern involve Board President Nancy Wendt Healy, who made two false police reports on 11/14/13 and 11/15/13 against Megan Fox. The backstory is that Megan attempted to invite Healy to tea at her house to discuss what had been going on with the Library in a calm and relaxed setting. Megan honestly thought she could appeal to Healy’s decency and work with her to ramp down the negative energy and come to a sensible resolution to things, despite the Library’s efforts to keep escalating matters needlessly.The Library had done something to block Megan from sending emails to the Library Board, where emails Megan would send them would bounce back. Megan had a document she wanted to get to Healy before the next Board Meeting and since she couldn’t email it the only way she knew it would reach Healy in time was if Megan dropped it off for Healy at her house (Healy has no office). Megan looked up Healy’s address on Google and drove the tea invitation to her, placing it neatly on the stoop outside Healy’s door. Healy then called the police and used her title as Board President and asked the police to “make a record” on Megan Fox. She succeeded in getting the police to harass Megan at home and tell her that she would be arrested if she sent anything at all to Nancy Wendt Healy in the mail (this is not legal, but the police are apparently allowed to lie this way). The next day, Healy also asked the police to harass Megan Fox over her FaceBook page because Healy didn’t like it…but the police declined that time. Still, two new police reports were written against Megan Fox on 11/14/13 and 11/15/13 even though she did nothing wrong and broke no laws…the Library still succeeded in building a bigger “record” against Fox.
Here are videos of Nancy Wendt Healy’s attempts to “build that record” using the Alinsky Method of targeting “enemies” for police harassment:
13. SIXTH ATTEMPT TO — USE THE POLICE AGAINST CRITICS…this occurred on 10/31/13 but it was not discovered until much later, in a FOIA document dump made by the Village of Orland Park. It seems that on 10/31/13 Library Director Mary Weimar attempted to accuse Megan Fox of being a woman in a video that the Library was complaining about in an unrelated matter. Weimar kept insisting it was Megan in the video and it’s clear that Weimar just wanted to “build that record” on Fox to have her listed in another police report. Another Library staffer, however, told the police the truth and said that was definitely not Megan Fox on the video but was instead (Name Redacted), a person that the other staffer knew and recognized.Weimar tried overruling that staffer but police wouldn’t buy it. Weimar succeeded in getting Megan’s name into another police report by accusing her of being that other woman, even though Weimar’s employee told police that Weimar was wrong. This is similar to the tactic used by James Fessler on 10/23/13, just to get someone’s name into a police report because possibly this would scare the critic away (seeing as how people don’t want to be included in police reports). It does not appear that Weimar realized at the time that by FOIA-ing the police these kinds of attempts at “building a record” against Fox would be revealed.
It’s also interesting that Bridget Bittman talked about never again going on radio shows like Dan Proft & Bruce Wolf’s because she couldn’t control the messaging on that live show, so she listed doing that show on 11/6/13 as a major mistake she made in “crisis management”.

17. Starting in January of 2014, the OPPL-BoT seems to have decided to engage in a change of tactics. From October to December 2013, the “crisis management strategy” seemed to be all about attacking Megan Fox, trying to have her arrested, and scaring her away. But beginning in January the Library’s lawyers at Klein Thorpe Jenkins really took the forefront and began engaging in blatant violations of the Open Meetings Act. This was in addition to obstruction and delays that violated the Freedom of Information Act with FOIA requests.By May of 20114, this strategy would cost taxpayers close to $100,000 in legal fees paid to Klein Thorpe Jenkins. At every Board Meeting from January through May of 2014, the OPPL-BoT sought to prohibit, restrict, interrupt or otherwise discourage public comment at all of their meetings. All of this is in violation of the Open Meetings Act. It seems the OPPL-BoT decided it had heard enough and didn’t want to listen anymore.
Megan Fox wrote about it for PJ Media here:http://pjmedia.com/lifestyle/2014/01/28/government-censors-public-orland-park-public-library-decides-no-more-public-comment-on-porn/
18. The Attorney General’s Office of the Public Access Counselor later ruled in May of 2014 that the OPPL-BoT violated the OMA on 1/20/14 when Board President Nancy Wendt Healy interrupted public comment and refused to allow people to speak about child porn or the Library’s unsecured computer networks. At the time, Healy claimed that her lawyers at Klein Thorpe Jenkins specifically told her that she did not have to allow public comment. The OMA, however, does not allow a Board to restrict the topic of public comment. Healy then said that the PAC has no authority over her and that its decisions are nonbinding and need not be listened to.
19. The OPPL-BoT violated the law again on 2/12/14, by having a special meeting on Abraham Lincoln’s birthday (a legal holiday) to push through a vote to keep the access to child porn available on a day when the public wouldn’t be expecting it and wouldn’t be there to object. They also broke the law by not allowing public comment at this meeting and by not posting proper notice to the public of this special meeting. The AG ruled in both the case above and this one that they again are in violation of the OMA and committed a Class C Misdemeanor…again. http://pjmedia.com/lifestyle/2014/02/17/pro-porn-librarians-gone-wild/ The determination was made by Tola Sobitan on 5/19/14 and on that same day Nancy Wendt Healy announced at an OPPL-BoT meeting that it didn’t matter that the PAC decided the meeting was held illegally and that the PAC is only an advisory board and the OPPL-BoT does not have to listen because its opinions are nonbinding. This seems to be poor legal advice being given to this Board by Klein Thorpe Jenkins. It was the KTJ firm in the presence of Dennis G. Walsh, board attorney, who encouraged the OPPL-BoT to hold the illegal meeting on February 12th in the first place.
20. This next part is complicated, but it’s the result of holding an illegal meeting where the OPPL-BoT voted on 7 different items for final action (at a meeting that was determined to be illegal). This means that everything done at that meeting is “void ab initio”, which means “void from the beginning” because it was done at a meeting that was inconvenient for the public in violation of the OMA. At that 2/12/14 illegal meeting, the OPPL-BoT rammed through a vote to keep child porn available on library computers and they also passed a bunch of restrictions to the public comment policy that are themselves illegal (such as giving preference to residents over nonresidents, not allowing the public to use electricity during a meeting, and prohibiting people from speaking during public comment over SKYPE or FaceTime).The OPPL-BoT to this day attempts to enforce policies it “passed” during the illegal meeting. Also, the OPPL-BoT installed a new Board Member during the illegal meeting (a woman named Beth Gierach). Her appointment to the Board and swearing-in are void ab initio as well. They created this giant mess for themselves by ramming all this through during an illegal meeting on 2/12/14 when they could have just waited to do all this on 2/17/14 when they were having their normal monthly meeting for February.
21. Complicating all this even further is the fact that Klein Thorpe Jenkins recognized that what the board did on 2/12/14 was illegal…so on 3/17/14 the Board then decided to hold a rapid fire vote to “ratify and affirm” everything they did on 2/12/14. They held no deliberation or recital for any of these items, and just ran down a fast list of everything they did at the illegal meeting and said ‘We are making this legal by ratifying it today”. But, the OMA does not provide for this. Since the 2/12/14 meeting was illegal and everything done that day was void ab initio then proper recital and deliberation was never done for any of these items (including the appointment of Beth Gierach to the board).To this day, the OPPL-BoT seats Gierach as a board member even though she has never been properly appointed or sworn-in and it attempts to enforce the illegal restrictions on public comment (even though they were never properly passed as Board policies). We are still awaiting a determination from the PAC on the 3/17/14 illegal “ratify and affirm” votes where no recital or deliberation was ever held on these items.
22. More document dumps responsive to FOIA requests uncovered collusion between the library and the local paper to keep only positive stories about the library in the news. This same editor, Bill Jones of the Orland Park Prairie, ran an editorial full of falsehoods against Megan Fox. He has since been disciplined for it and received a one week suspension from the paper’s owner, Jack Ryan. http://pjmedia.com/lifestyle/2014/03/25/journalists-in-cahoots-with-government/
23. More investigation led to the discovery of a new porn craze…making porn in public libraries on publicly paid for wifi…this is what the library encourages by refusing to stop this behavior and by letting it be known that they do not call the police when people are engaging in sex crimes in a public library. http://pjmedia.com/lifestyle/2014/03/31/how-the-american-library-association-created-a-new-porn-craze/
24. At the 4/21/14 Board Meeting, Nancy Wendt Healy again violated the OMA by making the arbitrary and extemporaneous decision to now start requiring people to stand up at a podium if they wish to make public comment. That might not sound like a big deal to you, but the OMA does not require this and the OPPL-BoT has no policy that requires people to stand to be able to speak. This is intimidating to a lot of people and also it’s a hardship on people with disabilities who cannot stand up at a podium. Previously, people had been able to address the board from their seats and nothing has ever been said about the Board not being able to hear speakers. Nancy Wendt Healy has a habit of popping things into her head that she wants changed during a meeting and then demanding them, even though there is no basis for these restrictions in either the law or the board’s own policies.
25. Before the May Board meeting on 5/19/14, a majority of a quorum of Board Members was observed meeting before the Open Meeting started, behind a closed door while they clearly were discussing Board business. This included President Nancy Wendt Healy, Diane Jennings, Beth Gierach (who is treated as a board member despite never being properly appointed to the board) and Library Director Mary Weimar. Additionally, Library Spokesman Bridget Bittman kept zipping in and out of the room with papers. All the people in the room had Board Packets in front of them and other documents. Mary Weimar was clearly directing Nancy Wendt Healy on things to do.None of this is allowed by the OMA, which prohibits a majority of a quorum of Board Members from meeting outside the eye of the public and discussing Board business. We believe it was at this strategy session that the board members coordinated on calling the police at some point. Earlier that month, a school board in New Hampshire had called the police on a critic of theirs during a board meeting and we believe the OPPL-BoT decided to replicate that for themselves (only it blew up in their faces like everything else).

26. At the 5/19/14 board meeting, a plan was in place to call police on Fox & DuJan during the meeting. We believe this has to do with the fact that the Board received the ruling on 5/19/14 from the PAC about the illegality of the 2/12/14 meeting and the Board wanted revenge for that. James Fessler represented the board on 5/19/14 and remember that Fessler is the same man who on 10/23/13 made the false police reports against Fox & DuJan. There is a pattern of Fessler using the police as a tool against his perceived enemies. The Board was highly embarrassed by the 2/12/14 ruling from the PAC and Klein Thorpe Jenkins was also humiliated, because Dennis G. Walsh had represented the firm in the media and had said in the Chicago Tribune that “February 12th is not a legal holiday” (when the PAC definitely stated that it was).Fessler was out for blood and it was revealed later that he had been in communication with Police Chief Tim McCarthy about sending in the police at some point during the meeting to scare away Fox & DuJan and prevent them from attending any future meetings. During the 5/19/14 meeting, a man not affiliated with Fox & DuJan could not hear what the board was mumbling about during a portion of the meeting devoted to hiring contractors for an expensive renovation of the lobby. The Board ignored this man, even though the public could not hear what was being said during the mumbling. Megan Fox asked them to answer this man’s question. This was at most a 10-second interruption by way of the public citing the OMA and its requirement that the Board conduct business openly for the public (and mumbling and speaking low so the public cannot hear is not allowed).
At no time did President Nancy Wendt Healy or any member of the board ask Megan Fox or anyone else to leave. Library Spokesman Bridget Bittman just leapt up at one point and started running around the room. Some people in the audience believed she may have even been going for a weapon of some kind (a baseball bat or even a gun), as she strangely went into a broom closet in the back of the room. It turns out she was actually calling 911 even though the Board clearly did not ask her to do that. This seems to have been all planned ahead of time.
Here are video clips of the 5/19/14 meeting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOmCAZnbGO8&list=UU9XP_Ax4_vTi1IqSSRD9ORQ

27. Through FOIA requests we obtained a video made by library employee Joy McFadden that caught board attorney James Fessler and Board Spokesman Bridget Bittman talking on film about how they colluded with Police Chief Tim McCarthy ahead of time to arrange this police visit. No arrests were made despite their best efforts to trump up some charge of disorderly conduct. Keep in mind, at no time did the board president or any board member ask us to leave. The police say clearly in the video that what happened was not a disruption of any kind but was merely an interruption (and one that is allowed under the OMA as a point of order when the Board is not complying with the OMA).See here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xY-aYbaLMnw&list=UU9XP_Ax4_vTi1IqSSRD9ORQ
28. Here’s a great video showing all the times that the OPPL-BoT disrupts its own meetings, including times when the Board interrupts the public illegally: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVcEBEsXRbA&list=UU9XP_Ax4_vTi1IqSSRD9ORQSomewhat lost in all the commotion involving the “Hot Cops” being called and Bridget Bittman racing around the room and everything else that led Board Member Dan Drew to call the evening “a fiasco” are the TEN (count ’em, TEN) violations of the Open Meetings Act that were committed by the OPPL-BoT on 5/19/14. That’s the most OMA violations they’ve ever committed in one meeting, a new record for them.A complaint was filed on 5/21/14 and it took two whole days to write them all up. The complaint was something like 25 pages long, the longest complaint so far.The violations on 5/19/14 were:(a) holding a secret pre-meeting strategy session closed to the public with a majority of a quorum of Board Members discussing board business behind a closed door.(b) allowing their attorney, who is not a board member but is instead just a paid contractor, to act as a board member and conduct portions of the meeting.(c) unequal treatment where the attorney, James Fessler, was allowed to speak and interrupt others whenever he pleased but other non-Board Members in the room were not allowed to do that.(d) the Board conducted portions of the meeting in mumbles and low-speak so that the public could not hear them or get them on tape, which is a violation of the OMA because at Open Meetings the public must be able to hear and understand Board Members(e) refusing to allow Dan Kleinman to speak during public comment at the meeting(f) enforcing a policy against Dan Kleinman being allowed to speak when no such policy has ever properly been passed by the Board.
(g) allowing Bridget Bittman to race around the room and call for the police to interrupt the meeting when the Board never voted or authorized Bittman to do this during the meeting; this is also unequal treatment, as both Bittman and Joy McFadden are employees of the Board who made a lot of movements during the meeting that are clearly distracting and yet Nancy Wendt Healy never admonished them for being “distracting” when she claimed that others were “distracting her field of vision”
(h) seating Beth Gierach as a Board Member when this woman has never been properly appointed or sworn in as a Board Member.
(i) allowing the police to be brought into the room, interrupt the meeting, and intimidate the Board’s critics; by their own admissions, Bridget Bittman and James Fessler are heard on video stating that this was coordinated ahead of time with Police Chief Timothy J. McCarthy.
(j) Nancy Wendt Healy arbitrarily and extemporaneously deciding that a man named “JP” could not stand by the wall near the door and film the meeting, even though Joy McFadden had stood in approximately the same place on the other side of the room and had filmed the meeting from that vantage point. This is unequal treatment and also a violation of the OMA because there is nothing in the law that says someone cannot stand when filming during a meeting if that is the vantage point and angle that the person wants to film. It is an unreasonable restriction and prohibition of a member of the public’s right to film.
There could be even more, but we stopped at ten. Will the Board try to break its own record in June?
29. This is a video response to Nancy Wendt Healy’s statements that she doesn’t really have to follow what the PAC tells her to do: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3eokUpKzrck&list=UU9XP_Ax4_vTi1IqSSRD9ORQ
30. Here Megan Fox attempts to get the Orland Park Police Department to open a case against the Library Board for violating the OMA, but the police refuse: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMsJyaojTF4&list=PLILXCDHJg4yL-AlrgRxCYIIFANM-uSzIz&index=12 This is important because the police never refuse to act as agents and goons of the OPPL-BoT, but the police refuse to intervene when the OPPL-BoT violates the law.31. The Orland Park Police have told Megan Fox that known sex offenders like David Varlotta frequent the OPPL and have been seen using computer devices and WiFi when that is a violation of their parole. This is common for sex offenders, whose parole officers prevent them from using the Internet in their homes…so these guys go to the public library to get online and download and trade materials including child porn that they are not allowed to access at home. For years this has been happening in places like the OPPL.In May 2014, a man by the name of Scott Baudin was sentenced to 10 years in prison for accessing child porn at the Bloomingdale Public Library. The reason this keeps happening is because library Directors like Mary Weimar deliberately thwart police investigations, keep the police from being called, and set these libraries up as access points for child porn where criminals know that the libraries erase all records every night. Public libraries have become the safest place a sex offender can go to access child porn…and it just so happens that these are buildings full of children where library staff do not call the police when they should. It’s a nightmare scenario waiting to happen, akin to knowingly chumming the water for sharks right by the kiddie pool at the beach.In Scottsdale, Arizona on 6/5/14 it was reported that a man named Murat Alev (a school bus driver!) was arrested for downloading child porn in the Scottsdale Mustang Public Library. Hundreds and hundreds of child porn downloads. This monster told the police that he specifically came to the Mustang Library to access child porn because it was widely known that the Internet filters there were weak and that he believed he could get away with downloading the child porn there, when he couldn’t get away with it at home. How many monsters are coming to the Orland Park Public Library because they, too, believe this is a safe access point where they can download child porn?See: http://www.kpho.com/story/25708021/pd-gilbert-school-bus-driver-downloaded-child-porn-at-library

Videos of all this meeting are found below:
Megan Fox speaking = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YBl_GKwjoE&list=PLILXCDHJg4yL-AlrgRxCYIIFANM-uSzIz&index=9Dan Kleinman being denied right to speak = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Kx3gS3JGm8&list=PLILXCDHJg4yL-AlrgRxCYIIFANM-uSzIz&index=5
Maryam Judar (Citizen’s Advocacy Center) = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkHK7m-5wEY&list=PLILXCDHJg4yL-AlrgRxCYIIFANM-uSzIz&index=8
Georgia Smithee (Citizen’s Advocacy Center) = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BpXz1B27QE&list=PLILXCDHJg4yL-AlrgRxCYIIFANM-uSzIz&index=7
Kevin DuJan = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJGXU0OORy0&list=PLILXCDHJg4yL-AlrgRxCYIIFANM-uSzIz&index=6
John Kraft = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSrAK_Cmua0&list=PLILXCDHJg4yL-AlrgRxCYIIFANM-uSzIz&index=3
Kirk Allen = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9c6il93bbk&list=PLILXCDHJg4yL-AlrgRxCYIIFANM-uSzIz&index=2
Beth Gierach = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_E0GUgFooQ&list=PLILXCDHJg4yL-AlrgRxCYIIFANM-uSzIz&index=4
*** UPDATED ***
6/20/14 = An effort to attack Megan Fox with trolls was encouraged by Chris McFadden, the husband of Joy McFadden (who is paid $104,000 a year to be the Virtual Services Manager at the OPPL). Chris McFadden goes by the name “CH Ryan” online and works for the computer company “Jellyvision”. The attack was coordinated by a page called “Fuck Alex Jones” where Chris McFadden encouraged the trolls to “educate” me and thanked them for attacking me. Chris McFadden “liked” the FAJ page shortly before the attacks on me began. I believe he was instrumental in encouraging this and his intent was to incite unstable people to harm me physically next month at the board meeting.
I believe that Chris McFadden was getting revenge on me for Joy McFadden getting in deep trouble last month, because a video that Joy McFadden recorded on accident had to be produced responsive to a FOA request and that video just happened to catch Bridget Bittman and James Fessler talking about how they colluded with Police Chief Timothy J. McCarthy ahead of time to plan a stunt involving the police on 5/19/14. Word is going around town that Chief McCarthy is being forced to resign in disgrace over this whole mess, since there is mounting proof he’s been involved in an organized effort to use the police as a weapon against the public whenever public bodies in Orland Park want this goon service. I believe that Chris McFadden had a desire to seek revenge for his wife getting in trouble over recording that video and he chose to use the FAJ page to engage an “army” of trolls to do just that.
See: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.830709130274307.1073741855.679212808757274&type=3
See: https://edgarcountywatchdogs.com/2014/06/husband-of-orland-park-library-employee-attacks-pregnant-mom/
Posted at 09:25h, 07 Julyinteresting
Posted at 09:44h, 22 JuneThose people in the library did all of this to keep child porn available when there is no legal requirement for them to do so. On top of it being a requirement for them to report to authorities when child porn is accessed. They not only don’t do that, but they made a deliberate choice to attack the people who criticize them while keeping the child porn access flowing. It’s really sick. What has our country come to?
Posted at 03:41h, 23 JuneAlso, Illinois library law and local municipal law make it illegal to allow porn in the library. The need for all the attacking of Megan Fox and Kevin DuJan is to hide that very thing from the public. Why? It applies statewide. All Illinois libraries. Internet porn is illegal in all Illinois libraries. And that includes child pornography.