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October 23, 2024

Watchdog Testimony at Legislative Judicial Committee Hearing on HB4860 –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On April 9, 2014

This afternoon I had the pleasure of providing oral testimony in front of the Legislative Judicial Committee Hearing on House Bill 4860 (HB4860). The bill is sponsored by Representative Brad Halbrook, 110th District.
This bill would amend the Illinois Criminal Code when it deals with seized firearms, to allow  local Sheriff’s Departments or Police Departments to sell seized and forfeited firearms provided they have a Court order authorizing such sale. Any such sale will be at public auction.
It will put much needed funds back into local law enforcement, similar to the sales of other items.
Specifically, it would add the following sentence to 720 ILCS 5/24-6(b):
“A weapon transferred to a law enforcement agency under this Section may be sold by the law enforcement agency at public auction under Section 3 of the Law Enforcement Disposition of Property Act.
There were 144 people or organizations that filed a witness slip in favor of the bill and 1 filed opposing it. It passed committee with a 12-4 vote.
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