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October 22, 2024

FIPHD Flood Grant Drowning In Corruption…

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On October 6, 2013


Joe Rorem, father of Brook Willms, the Flood Grant Assessor, appears to have received some perks as it relates to the Flood Grant that clearly by his own admission he should not have received.   An interesting tid-bit in this case, is the home Mr. Rorem lives in has a clear life long history of water in the basement…so was this just a chance to fleece the taxpayers?  We may never know, but what we do know, he received items he should have never received and considering his daughter had a key position as the Flood Grant Assessor it raises more concern for the operations at the FIPHD.

This interview document clearly reflects under item #4 that “Client stated no problems with washer”.

So why on earth when the client, Joe Rorem, states there are no problems with his washer would the FIPHD authorize a new washer?  This is the list of items he received and as you can see, the tax payers spent $414.00 for an item that the person stated there were no problems with.

Can it get any worse?

Item #6 in that same interview document reflects the “Client reported no increase in mileage or gas getting to work”.

Well of course there was no increase in mileage or gas getting to work.  The guy is retired and doesn’t work anymore! 

That being the case, why did we the tax payer have to provide the father of Brooke Willms, FIPHD employee, a $75.00 gas card from Casey’s?

What part of no increase in mileage or gas did they not understand? 

Having received even more documentation a few days ago on all the insider dealings, it’s clear the problem is much larger than we ever imagined.  I understand many people were impacted by the flood and my heart goes out to you folks for what you had to go through.  However, that will never justify the insider deals that have clearly taken place that put money directly into the pockets of a few people, all at the expense of the taxpayer. It’s wrong and someone needs to be charged accordingly!

Citizens of Iroquois County, stand up and be counted!  Make your voice heard and demand prosecutions to those involved in this giant fleecing of our tax dollars.  From Solar panels, to private Kiwanis memberships for Julie Clark, and basically exclusive construction contracts for Custom Builders, the list is truly overwhelming!

I pray that someone in law enforcement has the courage to stand up and take our work and build a case to hold them accountable.  Either local or Federal, something must be done!


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  • It never ends
    Posted at 13:37h, 23 October

    Sadly the forensic audit wont touch the flood grant theft because of the time frame. The audit covers 2012 and the flood expendatures was 2010. The only hope of people getting any results on the flood grant funding is either contact the FBI or the States Attorney and demand justice be served.

  • Nkh Henrichs
    Posted at 19:46h, 10 October

    Nkh Henrichs liked this on Facebook.

  • Older&Wiser
    Posted at 12:00h, 07 October

    My hope is that law enforcement is waiting for the forensic audit so that they can file complete charges against these greedy people who took part in the fraud. And both counties need to bring charges against the thieves at the health department AND the clients who took money fraudulently. Keep up the good work.
