The Attorney General’s office has issued a 21 day extension to the time-period in which to issue a binding opinion on 21013 PAC 23358 and 2013 PAC 23376 – the Secret Ballot used by the airport board to recommend Adonna Bennett to the county board to fill a vacant seat on the airport board.
The issuance of this letter does not guarantee a binding opinion, but it does appear they will issue one.
This would mandate Adonna Bennett be removed from the airport board and that airport board schedule another meeting to select a replacement for a vacant seat, and recommend that name to the county board.
View the letter here.
[gview file=”edgarcountywatchdogs.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Secretballotext.pdf”]
Darlene Justice
Posted at 07:09h, 14 AprilDarlene Justice liked this on Facebook.
Posted at 08:17h, 14 AprilQuestion – thanks to ECWD – there is so much that is wrong here in Edgar County, which has probably been going on for many many years. So we – the tax payers are now getting an idea on just what is going on, getting involved (thanks to ECWD) and demanding accountability. So – if a County board member needs the assistance of a attorney – for something they have done wrong while in office – they would have to pay for an attorney out of their own pocket – right? Which raises another question. Does anyone known what is the compensation for an elected official, benefits, etc and for how long, that we the tax payer are paying for.
Sandy Richey Hissem
Posted at 09:54h, 14 AprilSandy Richey Hissem liked this on Facebook.
Good Point
Posted at 12:53h, 17 AprilGood Point, Del, but that brings to mind another question: Are we paying Craig Smith to represent Chris Patrick, when it ought to be the state’s attorny?
Posted at 21:01h, 17 AprilI do not believe we, the county, are paying for Smith to represent Chris Patrick. We are currently watching for any payments made from public funds for this purpose, but I don’t think Smith would expect payment from the county after the ETSB incident…
Posted at 12:55h, 17 AprilPoor Ole Donzy…sooo many issues.