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March 11, 2025

IL Attorney General Investigates Airport Board Secret Ballot

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On March 10, 2013


Illinois Attorney General File Numbers: 2012 PAC 23358 and 22376

Secret Ballots – There are no secret ballots allowed during public meetings. If you cannot, or refuse to, vote in public during a public meeting, allowing God and everyone else to know how you voted, please tender you resignations as soon as possible! If you are ashamed of your vote, please do not vote at all.

For the record, violations of the Open Meetings Act are a criminal misdemeanor.

“Straw Poll” – Really, Jimmy?

Is that all you can come up with to try and justify breaking the law?

In the video YOU even called it a ballot and a vote.

I will say thanks for the laughs we had after reading this letter!

Please read the Illinois Open Meetings Act!

I hope you came up with this excuse all on your own and didn’t get any words of wisdom from Mr. Character:


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Straw Poll Defined

– A straw poll or straw vote is a vote with nonbinding results. (notice no mention of secret vote here)

– Robert’s Rules of Order prohibits straw polls, calling them “meaningless and dilatory”

“Binding Secret Vote Taken”

What happened during the February 12, 2013 Airport “Advisory” Board meeting was an illegal secret vote in which the results of that vote would be sent to the Edgar County Board for them to appoint a new board member.

The board made a binding decision on what to send to the county board for their approval. It doesn’t get any clearer than that – watch the video.

I had wrongly assumed that they recognized their “mistake” (that I pointed out to them during the illegal secret vote) and decided to redo the vote – but according to Jimmy Wells’ response to the Illinois Attorney General, that is not the case. The board, or at least Mr. Wells, are sticking to their decision for the secret vote. Give it up guys, your backs are against the wall and you cannot justify or win this complaint!

Thanks Jimmy…for wasting more public money because you cannot grasp that the “good old boys club’s” days are now numbered in single digits.



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  • Darlene Justice
    Posted at 20:54h, 10 March

    Darlene Justice liked this on Facebook.

  • Darlene Justice
    Posted at 17:43h, 10 March

    Goodd job!!!

  • Edgar County Watchdogs
    Posted at 11:12h, 10 March

    Civil Suit – that is…

  • Edgar County Watchdogs
    Posted at 11:12h, 10 March

    We are working on the filing of charges. Yes, the public can, and we did with the Electoral Board. Court date on that is March 22 @ 2:00 p.m.

  • Mel Young
    Posted at 11:00h, 10 March

    You know this is getting real old. What does it take to have these people removed and replaced with competent trustworthy people? Can the public file formal charges in a court of law?
