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March 11, 2025

County Board Ignores Misappropriations!

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On July 13, 2012

As usual, the county board sits silent and does nothing to hold people accountable for misappropriations of county funds even with stacks of evidence.

More amazing is the auditors report and 2 page letter of suggestions the board should implement to prevent further misappropriations, fraud, and theft of assets.  Those suggestions match our very complaints pertaining to the 911 board and its single employee, Nanett Crippes.

In the Auditors report there is a paragraph that reads as follows:

Fraud and Illegal Acts:  During the audit, allegations of potential fraudulent activity in the Emergency Telephone Services Department were communicated to us.  We considered these allegations in evaluating potential risks of financial statement misstatement and in selecting audit procedures to perform.  We also conducted follow-up discussions with various members of the County Board.  The results of our procedures did not support the allegations and we found no evidence of any impropriety.”

So what does that paragraph really mean?  The video explains everything in full details starting at the 3:58 mark however its important to point out what that paragraph means.

One MAJOR point to remember is the fact that this same accounting firm has been doing the county audits for years and makes THOUSANDS doing it and this year was the FIRST time they looked at the financial expendatures of your 911 board!

“During the audit, allegations of potential fraudulent activity in the Emergency Telephone Services Department were communicated to us. “

Not only did we communicate the information but we also provided a stack of documents to include payments, minutes, and other numerous pieces of evidence to support the allegations.   Key point is the very auditor we presented that information made it clear that what we presented was outside his scope of authority to look at!  Outside his scope because the County Board chose to not allow the auditor to look past the last year.  We have been hammering the 911 board on their fraud and theft for over a year and half and the FIRST year they ever got audited was after we exposed them and the crimes did stop! Small victory that it stopped but when do you go back and look at the facts of theft and hold them all accountable?

“We considered these allegations in evaluating potential risks of financial statement misstatement and in selecting audit procedures to perform.”

If they report the FACTUAL theft of our tax money, which was from the previous year, that means they, the auditor would be exposed for MISSTATEMENTS on their financial statements during those previous years!

YES, they FAILED to even audit 911 until the Edgar Count Watchdogs put the pressure on them yet the county board and the States Attorney has taken no action at all to hold anyone accountable for the theft and misappropriations of our tax money and the County Board actively instructed the auditors to NOT look at previous year information! 

That fact came from the auditor, who by the way is no longer with the firm!  I wonder if our complaint had any impact on that?  When exposed to fraudulent activity they are bound to investigate and this one did not!

 “We also conducted follow-up discussions with various members of the County Board.  The results of our procedures did not support the allegations and we found no evidence of any impropriety.”

Discussions with various members of the board?  YES, they have confirmed exactly what we have been trying to expose for over a year, a select few on that board think they control what goes on in this county, and so far they have gotten their way, illegally!  The discussions SHOULD have been in an open meeting with ALL the County Board members, NOT various members!

Why no evidence of impropriety found?  because the board refused to let them look past the last year!    The procedures established were to ONLY look at the last budget year and that procedure ensures the auditor is protected for Failing to report the illegal acts they missed in previous years.  By claiming there was nothing found it appears was their sorry attempt to discredit the Watchdogs.  Sorry folks, you can’t discredit the truth!  They found nothing becuase they were forbidden from looking at the very years of theft we presented for two key reasons.  1.  Exposes them for not doing there job during those years and 2. Protects there hand picked people from having the theft documented by a licensed firm that cant be ignored.

I challenge this county board, just as I did at the meeting, to prove my allegations wrong.  I challenge the States Attorney to sit down and look at the evidence of illegal spending and tell the public it didn’t happen.

My presentation begins at 3:58 mark however just before taht was Mr. Kraft exposing yet another peice of property that is not being billed for property tax.  He covered that story here: Property Tax not being paid.


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