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March 28, 2025

Report: District 95 School Board Meeting 5-7-2012

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On May 7, 2012

PARIS,IL– District 95 School Board Meeting May 7, 2012 at 5:00 p.m.

During the District 95 school board meeting, Tom Davis read a prepared statement, referencing the August 15, 2011 meeting, in which he clarified the decisions surrounding the hiring of a Superintendent.

During audience to visitors, Chuck Hand commented on several items and referenced his opinion that the whole truth on different subjects is not being reported to the public (I will have more on this when the video gets posted).

I asked once again about the TORT fund expenditures in 2010 and was given the same answer as last month – wait until the auditor comes to town this summer for the annual audit. I pointed out the expenditures were from 2010 and had nothing to do with the audit this fiscal year.

In other items, the board approved renewal of the following contracts:

Superintendent – 1 year, same terms as this year
Mayo Assistant Principal – 1 year, same terms as this year
Curriculum Coordinator – 1 year, same terms as this year
Wenz Principal -1 year, same terms as this year

The board approved policies 3:60, 5:90, 5:200, 5:300, and 5:330 for their second reading and adoption.

The board approved the resignations of Abbey Houser, Veronica Simpson, and Danielle Slater at the end of the school year.

The board employed Hannah Church as the Chorus Teacher for Mayo and PCHS for next school year.

The board approved the Title I Summer School, Special Education Summer School, and the employees for those programs.

Tom Tuttle was approved as the 7th grade basketball coach for Mayo next year, with no pay.

Mayo 8th grade recognition is May 16, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. in the gymnasium. The Wall of Fame recipient this year is Steve Jennison.

PCHS graduation ceremony is May 18, 2012 at 7:30 in Eveland Gymnasium.

A representative from the IASB, Illinois Association of School Boards, gave a presentation on the process for hiring a superintendent, costs associated with the hiring process, and the time-frame for a superintendent search. If memory serves my well today, the representative from the IASB stated the ideal time-frame for a superintendent search was the June-July time-frame, with the announcement of the new superintendent ideally coming towards the end of December. (If I misstated anything in this portion I will correct it after the video is posted)

During the Right to Revert section, Chuck Hand and his wife offered to donate $500.00 for a reception to recognize all of the outstanding people that provide volunteer services to the school district.




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