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February 7, 2025

“Refuse Hauling” Part II

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On January 5, 2012

After futher inquiries into the Refuse Hauling Ordinance and multiple FOIA requests we discovered that the rates for using the Transfer Station have not been legally increased, in quite some time, as required by the contract signed between the City of Paris and Ingrum Waste Disposal.

The Ordinance Appendix A, dealing with the rates for using the Transfer Station are drastically different compaired to what is actually charged.

The contract, on page 2 – #4,  states that if IWD desires a rate increase it must first petition the City of Paris for the increase, and they must approve the increase before the new rates can be charged.

I submitted a FOIA request for all rate increase petitions, and the City approvals for those increases, and was told that they do not exist.

Does that mean all of the transfer station customers since 1989 are due refunds?

The difference per pickup truck load is in excess of $80.00 per load – that’s alot of refunds.

The rate increase petition for 2012 has been submitted and will most likely be approved at the City Council meeting on Monday night, Jan 9, 2012.


Transfer Station fees per City Ordinance:

 (A)     Fees shall be charged for the use of the city transfer station in the amounts indicated opposite the following categories of vehicles only.

Vehicle Details Fee
Passenger car   $2
Pickup truck With nonfactory sides of less than 1½ feet $7
Pickup truck With nonfactory sides of over 1½ feet $8.50
Truck or trailer Designated by license plate of this state ending in C, D, or E $9.50
Truck or trailer Designated by license plate of this state ending in F, G, or H $12.50
Truck or trailer Designated by license plate of this state above letter H $35
All trailers either unlicensed or bearing trailer license will be applied to the truck category according to the size of the bed.

     (B)     Notwithstanding the above itemized fee charges, all refuse compaction units will be charged the rate of $2.45 per compacted yard for the use of the city transfer station.


Proposed:  Transfer Station Fees 2012







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1 Comment
  • Kirk Allen
    Posted at 23:09h, 05 January

    I think every person that has been subject to prices higher than those legally passed should be issued a refund. If they aren’t willing to make it right then the people could ban together and file a class action lawsuit against the city!
