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March 27, 2025

Truth – It must be reported – Governor Rauner should be ashamed!

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On March 16, 2018

Illinois (ECWd) –

This morning while having coffee with a dear friend and neighbor, it became clear he was experiencing the frustration with the distortions and lies about candidates.  Specifically, the information being distributed to voters statewide by Governor Rauner about his opponent, State Representative Jeanie Ives.

We report the truth based on hours and hours of research across this state.  We have learned how to dissect the words of elected officials to a level that frankly is shocking. Those who have ever traveled with John and I know, words have meaning and we dissect every one of them when it comes to statements from those in Government.

When Bruce Rauner traveled the state in what he claimed was an information gathering road trip prior to making his decision to run for Governor, we had a chance to visit with him along with several other local business leaders and politicians.  He went around the room listening to peoples concerns.  He had our attention. Why?  Because we were not allowed to film it for starters.  That is always a red flag to us.

As the discussion went around the table it was my turn.  I shared what we do and how we do it.  A nonpartisan model of fighting local government public corruption.  We got his attention, or so we thought.  “That sounds like a great model.  When I become Governor we will set up a public corruption task force and I want you guys on it”.  That was a slip on his part as he had insisted he had not decided to run yet. His mind was made up but his lips were not in synch. This may have been one of the first of many lies to come.

Well here we are 4 years later and this Governor has not lifted a finger to put together any type of public corruption task force. In fact, we are struggling to figure out why this guy can’t seem to even speak out against those involved in Public Corruption and it’s not like there haven’t been any opportunities.

  • Illinois Auditor General invokes the Fifth Amendment and under US Attorney investigation – Silence from the Governor
  • College of Dupage scandal – Silence from the Governor
  • Northern Illinois scandal of epic malfeasance and violations of law by the Administration – Silence from the Governor
  • Lincoln-Way Superintendent indicted in Federal Court – Silence from the Governor
  • Patronage hiring within Illinois Toll Authority – Silence from the Governor 

Who stays silent with exposed corruption all around you?  Governor Rauner!

Some have insinuated that we support Representative Ives and that is why we have “started” exposing Rauner for his failures. It would do those people well to first do some research on how long we have been exposing issues in this administration, which started shortly after he took office. Every article we have written can be found at this link but to save some time, here are a few where we exposed this administration for what we consider total failures.

  • March2015  Gov. Rauner’s appointment to SIU Board Violates SIU Charter and Ethics Rules 
  • October -2015  NIU’s newest Trustee, Tim Struthers, may have conflicts – (Rauner appointment)
  • March – 2017 – Rauner failed to vet a candidate for Prison Review Board – terminates him after we exposed the reprimand for racists comments in his personnel file.
  • January – 2017 – Governor signs bill providing cover for prior violations of law

As a 501c4 non-profit, there is limited political involvement we are allowed to have.  Rest assured, this article is not about politics as it relates to who you should or should not vote for, but it is about the truth.

So how is one to go about knowing what is or is not true as it relates to candidates running for office?  For starters, those who blindly cast a vote, please don’t. Secondly, vote smart, which can only be done by educating yourself and asking the two key questions and getting answers to them.  Our success is based on those two questions.

Says Who and With What Proof?

The Governor has made a lot of claims about his opponent Representative Jeannie Ives so we know the answer to Says Who; Bruce Rauner.

Now the fun part!  What Proof is there to support the insinuations and allegations he is portraying to the citizens of this state in his effort to get your vote?

As said by Scott Read in The Dispatch-Rock Island Argus, regarding Rauners malicious political adds:  “It is a lie, wrapped in a prevarication, enveloped with deception, packaged in falsehood and bound up with a fabrication.”

He goes on to confirm more truth. “Other journalists are taking the same stand. Greg Hinz at Crain’s Chicago Business; Terry Martin at the Illinois Channel; and John Kass at the Chicago Tribune all have pointed out the same thing: When it comes to Ives, Rauner just isn’t telling the truth.”

  • In my 30 years as a reporter, I’ve seen politicians tell some real doozies and usually there is some tiny fragment of truth to base it upon. In this case, I can’t find even that. (Scott Reeder- 30-year reporter
  • Is Republican state Rep. Jeanne Ives really a creature of Democratic boss Mike Madigan? Gov. Bruce Rauner says so on his commercials. So it must be true, right?  NO!  (John Kass- Chicago Tribune
  • You get the idea, folks. I’m sure that someone in Rauner’s camp thinks it’s really neat and cool to call Ives “Madigan’s lackey.” It might even be effective with some casual voters. But for most voters, all Bruce Rauner has done is raise questions about his own integrity. (Greg Hinze – Crains Chicago Business)
  • Every columnist who wrote anything about it (Chicago Tribune Rauner-Ives debate) says you (Ives) crushed it!  (Terry Martin – Illinois Channel -video

For those that have received those disgusting flyers being sent out by Gov. Rauner or watched the tv adds you should ask, where did that come from?  As in the claims being made.

  • “The governor twisted her words from a debate the two had before the Chicago Tribune Editorial Board. I was there. She crushed him in that one. (John Kass – Chicago Tribune)

You need to watch that debate in order to understand the deception being played by our sitting governor. A deception on every citizen of this state and it’s shameful.

Sadly for this state, we have a Governor who has lied.  He has lied to me personally, he has lied to the people, and he even lied to the Cardinal Cupic.

God-fearing or not, who lies to a Cardinal?

We will never tell people who to vote for, only that they should vote Smart!

We hope the people of this state are smarter after reading this information and do their own research before casting their vote.

One last tidbit, we have yet to find evidence that would validate the misinformation Rauner is spreading and we have tried.
Our work is funded entirely thru donations and we
ask that you consider donating at the below link.


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  • J. Madison
    Posted at 08:00h, 19 March

    Bruce Ruaner has run a smear campaign while refusing to debate Rep. Ives. If lies elect people, Rauner is a sure winner. For me, I like people that tell the truth. My vote goes to Ives.

  • G. Barraclough
    Posted at 20:23h, 16 March

    It may be possible – that we are witnessing the genesis and baptism by fire of the first female president of the United States.

    Wise words by Kirk Allen, as always.

    Another test for Rauner’s deceitful, deceptive and duplicitous claims, is here: The Smell Test,

  • G. Barraclough
    Posted at 20:20h, 16 March

    It may be possible – that we are witnessing the genesis and baptism by fire of the first female president of the United States.

    Wise words by Kirk Allen, as always.

    Another test for Rauner’s deceitful, deceptive and duplicitous claims, is here: The Smell Test,

  • Dave
    Posted at 19:48h, 16 March

    When you look at how Rauner has voted on the majority of the bills pushed by Madigan, its clear Rauner is Madigan’s favorite Republican! Its certainly not Jeanne Ives. Jeanne gets my vote March 20th

  • Elizabeth Gruber
    Posted at 19:07h, 16 March

    Save Illinois. Vote for Ives not Rauner’s lies.

  • Flannel Shirts, Carhart Jackets and Fallin' for the Down Home Lingo
    Posted at 18:32h, 16 March

    I was hopeful that Rauner would be different. Yeah, I knew that I couldn’t count on him being down to earth and sincere just because he wore flannel shirts, Carhart (or like) jackets, and he dropped the “g” in “-ing” from his vocabulary – but I must admit, it swayed me. Now, I see that he is just like his predecessors…a pure politician who will say and do whatever it is that those he is beholden to – and his wife – want him to say and do. On top of that, he lies. His campaign adds against Ives remind me of the Democrat Florida Congressman back in ? 2016 ? who unrepentantly edited excerpts from his opponent’s sound bites to falsely portray the opponent and his positions. The congressman was blasted out of office in the election. What goes around comes around – I hope.

  • MdStine
    Posted at 18:17h, 16 March

    After reading this article I’ve gotta say I’m finding inspiration from Illinois’s sitting Governor. Even though I despise politics I wanna make a Rauner-esque statement based on zero fact just a manipulative statement, so here goes,

    “Rauner ran as a Republican for Governor because he couldn’t get nominated as a Democrat”
