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March 27, 2025

Kenneth Wilson, Website Owner, Unmasked; Removes Offensive Content –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On March 10, 2018


Pic from his Linkin account

Last year, an “anonymous” person opened up a website apparently designed to threaten, intimidate, and disparage us. While we fully support every person’s First Amendment rights, there are lines that can be crossed subjecting them to civil and criminal sanctions. We believe this to be one such case.

We had contacted the Edgar County Sheriff’s Department, the DeKalb County Sheriff’s Department and the Illinois State Police with what we considered credible death threats sent to us thru an electronic medium.

An Edgar County Deputy forwarded the information to the Edgar County State’s Attorney, who replied stating he didn’t have the expertise nor manpower to determine who owned the website, or who sent the messages, and therefore he could take no action against them.  Never mind the fact there were death threats that would open up the door to a simple subpoena to obtain the information.

I started doing some research and came across Illinois Supreme Court Rule 224, which basically allows a Motion for Discovery prior to a lawsuit in order to identify the person(s) who could be a defendant. We did that with the assistance of our attorney and are currently in discussions on what our next step will be, both civil and criminal.

The recipient of the subpoena responded with the information requested even though the website owner paid for registration “privacy” through a third party company:

Jabb DeHutt      
[email protected]                           
34140 CROWN COLONY DR                        
Avon, Ohio 44011                            

In registering the website, he used a fake name (with a strange reference to a Star Wars character), but the rest of the information provided is real and it took me all of about 10 minutes to piece it together.

Here is his real information:

Kenneth Wilson
[email protected]                           
34140 CROWN COLONY DR                        
Avon, Ohio 44011                            

We know Mr. Kenneth Wilson from several articles we had written about Northern Illinois University (“NIU”) between 2015 and 2017.

  • The first article mentioning him talked about how the University was allowing him to live in the Student Dormitory without charging him any rent and without annotating it as part of his compensation in his W-2 filed with the IRS. NIU claimed the apartment he lived in for more than a year “had no value” – however, we calculated the value to exceed $22,000 when comparing it to what students would pay for rent.
  • Another article detailing sexual harassment complaints made against him by employees of the University, where he was accused of punching them in the back, putting his arm around them, and other things. The University then provided him a working environment where he would have no face-to-face interaction with the complainant or other employees who were part of the investigation process.
  • Wilson was also one of the subjects highlighted in the 56-page OEIG report slamming NIU [former] President Baker’s mismanagement of the University. Information on Wilson can be found on pages 10-11, 18-19, 21-22, 24, and 26-29 of the report. The OEIG characterized Kenneth Wilson’s, and other’s, employment at NIU as “a sham.”
  • Wilson “resigned” from NIU in early 2015.

Who is Mr. Kenneth Wilson, CPA?

After leaving NIU, Wilson moved to Ohio and purchased a 4-bedroom, 3-bath, 2,353 square-foot house with a total market value of $310,000, along with his wife Carol Wilson, in Avon, Ohio, which is located just west of Cleveland, Ohio, in Lorain County.

His address is 34140 Crown Colony Drive, Avon, Ohio and his real estate tax information can be found at this link (here).

He is currently employed as Director, Capital and Operating Budgeting at the private Case Western Reserve University, and apparently has been employed at CASE since leaving NIU. According to CASE, his work email is [email protected].

His Linkedin account says he is a CPA with over 20 years experience (here) (here for pdf version).

After the website registrar notified Mr. Wilson that they had provided us with his information, he removed all content from the website, with an “Updated Page Soon” at the top of its only page.


We are separating all the comments sent to our webpage dealing with this situation to make them more readable by subject and will publish all of them within the coming week. They are shocking, offensive to any reasonable person, racist, sexist, and threatening. It will leave you wondering what kind of a person could possibly think it was OK to send those types of messages to anyone else. The identity of those sending the messages will be exposed in the future as well.

— “Tell the Truth and don’t be afraid” – Livingston C. Lord – –


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ask that you consider donating at the below link.


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  • They Know Better !
    Posted at 14:25h, 11 March

    Does the Edgar County SA DO anything? Worthless as tits on a boar = WEAK (In my opinion). You mentioned the Sheriff’s Office and Illinois State Police . The so-called state’s attorney could have asked the state police investigations / computer crimes unit for assistance – or is he too ignorant of his resources to know that ? Or, he could have advised the sheriff’s office to contact state police for assistance. Come to think of it, why didn’t the sheriff’s office request state police to assist? Pretty damned lame. (My apology if they did and state boys and girls refused to investigate. If that’s the case, the state police gets thrown under the bus – again – too). Actually, it should be labeled as Official Misconduct for both entities. It’s like someone else said in another thread, it doesn’t matter if someone “likes” you guys (or any hapless victim for that matter) or not. They have a sworn duty to uphold, and a job to do. They get a big fat “0”. This is as good an indicator as anything that tells you that they won’t do squat to investigate wrongdoing against any victim who is unfortunate enough to come under official ire in Edgar County. Simply pathetic. And as far as Mr. Wilson is concerned, what a POS. This blood sucking leach has gone from one publicly funded entity to another, still leaving tax payers on the hook for his miserable lack of character and any redeeming qualities to justify keeping him on any public payroll (in my opinion). Great job exposing these people for what they are.

    • kevindujan001
      Posted at 23:44h, 13 March

      The police in Illinois flat-out REFUSE to help anyone who is being threatened anonymously online. They REFUSE to help people identify who their harassers/menacers are. When Megan Fox and I were investigating the Orland Park Public Library, we were able to prove that at least some of the online harassment being directed at us (mostly Megan, since she was a woman and a mom and the harassers seemed to think it would scare us off the case if they threatened Megan’s children) involved family members of Orland Park Public Library staffers (the husband of one staffer and the brother of a board member). Other online harassment was being openly ginned-up by members of the American Library Association (who followed a well-established pattern for that organization of attacking moms online when they dared to speak out about anything bad happening in a public library). Megan received death threats, threats against her children, and had disturbing and graphic images sent to her by people who wanted to scare her away and silence her when she rightfully criticized the Orland Park Public Library for covering up sex crimes in that building. Megan went to the police repeatedly to get their help in making the harassment stop or at least identifying the harassers. The police refused to help every single time. They told Megan that she should just stay off the Internet and not read the messages these people were sending. One police officer told her to come back after someone actually physically harmed her in person, but until she was actually attacked and/or killed they police would do nothing about the death threats. If the VERY SAME threats were being made via the US mail or by fax or even by email, the police said there was something they could do but if the threats were made online in social media platforms they would do nothing. So the law has not caught up to technology and there is this loophole where these demented creeps can harass and terrorize people online anonymously via social media and the police tell the victims of this harassment to just “stay off the Internet and ignore it.” People who wonder why a large swath of Americans (if not a majority at this point) think poorly of the police in the year 2018 this is a big part of it. Everyone knows a story like this, where the police adamantly insist they will not help someone who is being terrorized anonymously online.

  • Kevin duJan
    Posted at 23:01h, 10 March

    This guy sounds like the Harvey Weinstein of higher education. It’s a shame that Case Western Reserve (a prestigious university that loudly claims to be supportive of the #MeToo movement) allows this creep to run loose on its campus.

  • Frank Rizzo
    Posted at 14:26h, 10 March

    Youse guys got me all hot under the collar!

    First youse guys sez Sunshine Week starts March 11 and then you post this on the tenth?!

    So did youse guys start Sunshine week on Saturday?!

    Or was it Trash On Da Curb Week and you forgots to tell us?

    One way or the other youse guys better make up your mind. And another thing youse guys better tell the trash guys to get a bigger truck to haul all the rubbish youse guys been exposin!

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 19:09h, 10 March

      we decided to start early…

    • Ted Hartke
      Posted at 09:06h, 13 March

      Dear Frank Rizzo,
      “Sunshine Week” is every week of every year…..and so on and so on.

      • Frank Rizzo
        Posted at 14:53h, 14 March

        Lemme guess…The next thing you gonna tell me all about is trash trucks? Or you gonna tell me all about the guys what drive them?

        I’d rather hear about the letter some attorney is probably writing to some jamoke in Ohio!

  • Danni smith
    Posted at 13:37h, 10 March

    the rule of law is dead in Illinois, California. When the next civil war starts with actual physical killing force, it will begin in those states and by coincidence, these are the same states putting laws into place to confiscate guns from owners. And these are the very owners who will never give up their guns, no matter what law Madigan, moochelle mussman, his lackey, put into place. The only thing witty here, is that I still have my wits, unlike the dems and so-called repubs in Illinois. What can I do end the income of this slime criminal? Also how do we end the taxpayer funding of slime suttenfield? People, please boycott NIU

  • Dave
    Posted at 11:21h, 10 March

    Wow, this raises a very large red flag as to the competency of the Edgar County State’s Attorney. No one should have to be subjected to cowardly terrorism, Edgar county failed to provide you with justice. Despicable. Great job identifying the perpetrator of the death threats

    • Sick Of These Pricks
      Posted at 12:00h, 10 March

      This helps illustrate what a pos Edgar County State’s Attorney Mark Isaf is. Isaf doesn’t like Kirk Allen and John Kraft or what they do. Isaf is a disgrace of a public official.

  • Sharon
    Posted at 11:21h, 10 March

    Resigned is a kind description. It is said that Dr. Phillips, the CFO who took charge after Suttenfield left with her tail between her legs (she subsequently removed all reference to NIU from her link’d in page), refused to renew Wilson’s contract.

  • Elizabeth Gruber
    Posted at 11:03h, 10 March

    Seems like no one can hide from you guys. Good job.

  • Sharon
    Posted at 10:55h, 10 March

    Good job!

    At NIU, the women in Finance and Facilities quickly gave Wilson the nickname of “Creepy Ken”. Yet his supervisor, Nancy Suttenfield, apparently ignored the concerns of the staff, and gave Wilson authority over them.
