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September 20, 2024

State Board of Elections refuses to answer Mautino Complaint

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On June 20, 2017

Springfield, IL. (ECWd) –

A motion to reconsider a previous decision of the Illinois State Board of Elections to fine the Mautino campaign and close the complaint was filed.

The board met this morning, and  with a 4-4 vote the motion did not pass.

This vote was on party lines: Democrats voting Nay and Republicans voting Aye.

This board has failed the public once again by refusing to answer the original complaint.


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  • Observer of Self Absorbed Maniacal Behavior
    Posted at 12:58h, 20 June Reply

    Failure to rule on the allegations in complaint would appear to be official misconduct in my opinion.

  • Mike Duff
    Posted at 13:13h, 20 June Reply

    First, is there a record of those that voted in favor of a review and those that voted in opposition?
    At least 4 members need to be dismissed and replaced. It is likely not possible, but someone needs to take this matter to Court. Even a 5th grader could see the scheme which was presented in evidentiary form to this Board. I think Mike Madigan and Mautino are best friends – and this is just more of Illinois corruption. Are there a few good men any more?

  • Bill Brown
    Posted at 14:13h, 20 June Reply

    did they vote along Party lines?

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 14:13h, 20 June Reply


  • Mike
    Posted at 16:32h, 20 June Reply

    Board Members of the Illinois State Board of Elections:

    William Cadigan – Republican – Cook County.

    Andy Carruthers – Republican – Madison County.

    Betty Coffrin – Republican – Coles County.

    Ernest Gowen – Republican – Cook County.

    John Keith – Democrat – Sangamon County.

    William McGuffage – Democrat – Cook County.

    Charles Scholz – Democrat – Adams County.

    Casandra B Watson – Democrat – Cook County

  • Sandy Gray
    Posted at 16:38h, 20 June Reply

    I just stole thousands of dollars from the public, please don’t throw me in jail or ask me to reimburse all that I embezzled from my employers.!!!! I’ll slip you a few thousand each to get me off.

  • Mike Duff
    Posted at 07:28h, 21 June Reply

    Thanks Mike for Board Member names. I am sure the 4-4 vote was split down party lines and not based on the mountain of evidentiary material presented to the Board of Elections. What a travesty of justice. No sense in having any laws if they are not applied to everyone equally – Frank Mautino included.

  • Sandy Gray
    Posted at 10:02h, 21 June Reply

    How much was paid on bribes to get this vote. Or is this a case of covering each others asses? The Chicago machine lives on and on, who said the Mafia no longer is in service.

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