...to “Jerry Griffin was not in the plane” to “Jerry Griffin was a passenger” to “Jerry Griffin was the flight instructor for the owner’s daughter who came in on a...
...time are Objections to the Petitions of: Terry Stepp, Larry Yargus, Jennifer Davidson, Joe Ewing, and Jerry Rankin. (Previous article on the Objections here) The Clark County Clerk, Clark County...
...This brings us to a current situation at the Edgar County Airport and our new airport manager, Jerry Griffin. Given the FAA documents revealing that Jerry has not had a...
PARIS, IL. (ECWd) – More information has surfaced that seems to prove more lies were told by Mr. Jerry Griffin as to the timing of the most recent plane crash...
...time-frame was stated, that it would have happened prior to Jerry Griffin becoming the airport manager, when if it happened in late August or later, that Griffin would have been...
...example, Rebecca Kramer ran two sets of books in direct violation of the law and this fact was confirmed years ago by both Mark Isaf and Augie Griffin. Kevin Trogden...
...Wells was a walking lie from day one (read these articles). Mr. Jerry Griffin falsified the very first document he presented to the county – his job application (here). If...
...Herald reporter, that the payments to the “shooting club” (Max McGraw’s) was in his compensation package. Page 4 of this document: https://edgarcountywatchdogs.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Griffin_-College-of-DuPage-spent-26-million-without-board-scrutiny-DailyHerald.pdf It is not in Breuder’s compensation...
...3:18 mark in the video), Kirk Allen asked the new manager, Jerry Griffin, that since he was flight instructor certified whether or not he would give flight instruction as part...
...she is retiring) -Approved advertising for a county assessor -Appointed the following to the Airport Advisory Board: Dale Barkley, Joe Scheiner, Jerry Kesler, Jake Barrett -Hired Jerry Griffin as the...