02 Aug Downers Grove Park District needs policy changes –
Downers Grove, IL. (ECWd) - Yes, it's a slow day...
Downers Grove, IL. (ECWd) - Yes, it's a slow day...
DuPage Co. (ECWd) - In the world of local politics it is not very often that public officials are handed an opportunity to fix things that also just happen to have the "full" attention of the public they serve. A recent opinion delivered by the Attorney General...
Clark Co., IL. (ECWd) - The Clark County Park District has simply refused to answer requests for public records, knowingly and willfully violating the law. The FOIA Officer is Charity Murphy. The Illinois Attorney General's Public Access Counselor's Office has sent two more letters to the park...
Morgan Co., IL. - Government transparency organization honors local watchdog group By Jim McCabe on July 31 at 12:34pm From:Â WLDS-WEA1 Two individuals who have been part of a months-long effort to bring transparency to local government have been honored for their work. Mike Woodyard, an organizer of the Morgan...
Clark CO., IL. (ECWd) - The complete failure of the Clark County Park District's Executive Director in answering Freedom Of Information Act requests, and her subsequent disregard of the primary duty of her employment position as a public servant, she must now answer to the Illinois...
Mattoon, IL. - Article from JG-TC: July 30, 2015 11:43 am CHARLESTON (JG-TC) -- The Coles County Health Department has reported that a bird collected on July 21 in Mattoon has tested positive for West Nile virus, marking the first time in 2015 that this virus has been detected...
Clark-Edgar Rural Water District - (ECWd) - After our article on the Clark-Edgar Rural Water District's May 4, 2015 meetings (here), we took the time to conduct a little research into board member David Sprigg to try and determine why he could not discuss or vote...
Clark-Edgar Rural Water District - (ECWd) - After our article on the Clark-Edgar Rural Water District's May 4, 2015 meetings (here), we took the time to conduct a little research into board member David Sprigg to try and determine why he could not discuss or vote...
Clark-Edgar Rural Water District - (ECWd) - During its May 4, 2015 Organizational Meeting, the Clark-Edgar Rural Water District "CERWD" elected Roger Brown as the Board Chairman, then the other officers were appointed and committees appointed. Later that evening, and this is the most important part of...
Edgar County - The August Special Edition of the Discolure News Magazine has been delivered to: Circle-K in Paris, IL (across from Burger King) Country Junction (BP) Gas Station in Kansas, IL Lucas Grocery store in Oakland, IL ...