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March 16, 2025

COD Trustee McGuire campaigning to keep Tim Elliot as legal counsel for the college!

COLES CO., IL. (ECWd) - The former Sherriff of Coles County, Darrell Cox, who was publicly outed during his campaign (by the Edgar County Watchdogs - not by Phillips) for illegally selling guns in violation of State Law and in violation of Court Orders (WTHI article here),...

EDGAR CO., IL. (ECWd) - During discussion of the Edgar County Airport grant application at this past Monday's county board study session, Mike Helstley is quoted in the Prairie Press with this wonderfully researched statement: ""This not only affects us," said Heltsley, noting many Downstate airports are...

SPRINGFIELD, IL. (ECWd) - Oral Arguments were heard this morning at 10:00 a.m. on four cases appealed out of Douglas County Circuit Court. All four cases dealt with the Freedom of Information Act, and Kraft's assertion that Arcola Township violated the act. Listen to the arguments below: . Please consider a...

Tinley Park, IL. (ECWd) - The story of "Real Residents of Tinley Park" Facebook group founder Christy Heins continues to unfold, with recent claims she made in social media about her appearance in Will County Circuit Court on 3/7/16 warranting factual rebuttal, now that the official...
