...surface of investigations into wrongdoing, ambulances being dispatched from nearly a county away while another rig sits nearby, of board members serving their self interest, of backroom deals, of nepotism...
...use of Public Money is they don’t operate on Tax Money let’s take a look at their own audit! CERWD Audit from last year reflects a CDAP Grant as Revenue...
...loans and grants. Indicators The Ohio Auditor of State published a study on indicators your local government is in finacial trouble. Below are some of those indicators. – recurring financial...
...inquiries as to when the taxes for the new high school bonds would hit the property tax bills. He also had inquiries asking about the ambulance tax – answer: it...
...the Ambulance “sale” by the county and the fact it appears to actually be an “Ambulance Gift” – still working on this one Exposed to the parents and grandparents of...
...was good in their eyes. That action was a crime and it was covered up. Now that very action was used as part of more lies about the ambulance scandal...
...and its single employee, Nanett Crippes. In the Auditors report there is a paragraph that reads as follows: “Fraud and Illegal Acts: During the audit, allegations of potential fraudulent activity...
...Transit District is a “Public Body”. + State and Federal Auditors are involved in an audit requested by the Transit District Board. + Miller has returned “alot of the things...
...he should have a report next month on the Ambulance sale/purchase, and on the possible conflict of interest/incompatibility of offices with the Sheriff and Deputy also sitting on the ETSB...
...expenditures in 2010 and was given the same answer as last month – wait until the auditor comes to town this summer for the annual audit. I pointed out the...