...former District 210 Superintendent Wyllie during his reign. Wyllie arranged his deal with friend and daycare owner Nancy Powers without any Board approval, and as a parting gift to Powers,...
...As we reported, Johnson’s ties to the District ran as deep as the water tables under Central. He was the Board president under the illustrious then-Superintendent Lawrence Wyllie. At the...
...article about Dr. Wyllie and his enormous pension that is at the top 1% of all pensions in the State of Illinois, or an article about how daycare is run...
...story, many of the charges by former superintendent pension king Lawrence Wyllie were not for public purpose. This spending was done void of any law or ordinance. Although we suspect...
...to him or her by corporate authorities of said corporate entity, who have directed the representatives to sign this Agreement.“ In order for former Superintendent Wyllie to sign a contract...
...the water tables under Central. He was the Board president under the illustrious then-Superintendent Lawrence Wyllie. Johnson, the current President of the University of St. Francis in Joliet, still hosts...
...the protection of what many will argue is a political structure of people like Wyllie who manipulated things to their gain, and I am sure others. All while the board...
...was signed by none other than Lawarance Wyllie, the former superintendent that used tax dollars to teach dogs instead of kids without board approval. So far, nothing is found in...
...Sorry! Our laws do not work that way! It appears to be very clear that former Superintendent Wyllie and the Board of Trustees at that time have clearly violated state...
...So we can simply ask one question: Where in the School Code does it give the Board of Education, and in this case former Superintendent Wyllie, the authority to build...