...funds remaining from the dissolution of ECIMTD. Dec 15, 2015 – Watchdogs wrote about the questionable memo from IDOT’s Bureau Chief of Transit Operations. We wrote about his wrong advice...
...entered a guilty plea to Felonies earlier this year to federal crimes against the former Paris, Illinois based East Central Illinois Mass Transit District. The ECIMTD was run into the...
...ECIMTD was basically forced into insolvency and shuttered in 2013, only to have RIDES Mass Transit District based out of Harrisburg, Illinois to take over its former territory. During that...
...Illinois Mass Transit District (“ECIMTD”), a Second Amended Complaint has been filed by RIDES Mass Transit District. ECIMTD was dissolved after allegations of theft (along with lack of board oversight),...
...Use of the ECIMTD credit card for personal purchases, including food, entertainment, decorative candles, clothing and toys Claimed to ECIMTD that the charges were wither not personal or that she...
...the remaining funds after all debts were paid from the allegedly dissolved East Central Illinois mass Transit District (“ECIMTD”). In their amended complaint, RIDES-MTD relies on the “Downstate Public Transportation...
...the authority to perform the action since Clark County never officially passed an ordinance to dissolve ECIMTD. 1-11-17-RIDES-v-EC . Please consider a donation to the Edgar County Watchdogs. [wp_eStore_donate id=1]...
...of former Edgar County Board Chairman Chris Patrick’s short term in office, RIDES was allegedly told they would receive all the left over funds from the dissolution of ECIMTD –...
...only authorized dissolving ECIMTD stating that ECIMTD could no longer perform those services, and Adequate services could be performed by a larger Mass Transit District, and ECIMTD determined it should...
...believe should have been paid to them after the claimed dissolution of the East Central Illinois Mass Transit District (“ECIMTD”). The lawsuit, here, is a two-count suit alleging “Breach of...