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February 22, 2025

DuPage County

DuPage Co. (ECWd) - Updated to change "Lyle" to "Naperville" in relation to the Chamber of Commerce meeting. 8-29-2015 The self proclaimed "Ambassador" for COD, Dianne McGuire, racked up a small fortune in expenses during her current term in office.  (Previous article here) After a closer...

College of DuPage (ECWd) – Tonight, the College of DuPage voted to initiate termination procedures against President-on-administration-leave Breuder. Effective immediately. Trustee McGuire shouted about her opinion that it is a totally political move by the majority. She said she will be voting NO. Wozniak stated he is against...

DuPage Co. (ECWd) - Previous expense information for Trustee McGuire tallied up over $23K in expenses for her serving the public.  (See previous article).  After that article we have been informed that McGuire's Chamber Luncheon expense to COD was actually a Naperville Township Democrat Organization meeting. ...
