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March 28, 2025

Crawford County

Crawford Co., IL. (ECWd) - The Crawford County Airport Authority has two Commissioners who are ineligible to serve on the airport authority board of commissioners. One for holding another position in government and the other for unlawfully contracting with the board he sits on. Commissioner Robert Quick...

Crawford Co. (ECWd) - The Crawford County Sherriff has refused to produce certain records connected to seized weapons even though multiple attempts to obtain the records were provided. Josh Burday with Loevy and Loevy filed the Freedom of Information Act lawsuit today on behalf of Kirk Allen...

ROBINSON, IL. (ECWd) - The Crawford County Electoral Board today Granted the Motions to Strike Petition Objections against certain nomination papers of candidates for Republican Precinct Committeemen. This action keeps all names on the spring 2018 ballot. Video: . Our work is funded entirely thru donations and we ask that...
