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March 28, 2025

Author: Kirk Allen & John Kraft

North Carolina (ECWd) Elizebeth City, North Carolina declared a Local State of Emergency Declaration March 16, 2020.  A press release issued reflects they will have their next regularly scheduled meeting, March 23, 2020. Never let a crisis go to waste. The city council voted 4:2 for a $500...

United States (ECWd) - Below is a copy of the 880-page Stimulus Bill.  Stay tuned for updates on the content as there is a lot to digest. You can download the Bill at this Link  or view below. [pdf-embedder url="" title="StimulousBillPassed"] Our work is funded entirely thru donations and...

Shelby Co. (ECWd) - During the last fourteen months, the Shelby County Treasurer has been warning county officials there is a serious payroll problem.  Serious enough that even the illegally hired private attorney has said a criminal investigation is in order. The identified problem is actual hours...
