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February 22, 2025

Author: Kirk Allen & John Kraft

Kankakee Co. (ECWd) - Once again it comes back to attorneys.  You may recall we exposed the recent illegal hiring of an attorney by the highway commissioner in this article.  That was rather humorous as after the exposure the attorney took the position he didn't know...

McHenry Co. (ECWd) - McHenry County Board Chairman Jack Franks is one who likes to send letters to people for intimidation, to include making false allegations of crimes committed with threats of prosecution.  May we suggest putting a mirror in front of Jack Franks? The reason this...

Illinois (ECWd) - Says Who, with What Proof? The famous two questions I have lived by for years. After attending the recent no hearing - hearing on indicted former State's Attorney Brian Towne, something dawned on me. Towne is employed as a State Employee of the Illinois Appellate...
