...themselves from Mayor Jacob “Jake” Vandenberg and his political party, Concerned Citizens for Tinley Park. Glotz and Thirion successfully ran as candidates for election under Vandenberg’s Concerned Citizens banner, with...
TINLEY PARK, ILLINOIS — (ECWd) – In a mysterious development in the matter of Tinley Park Mayor Jacob “Jake” Vandenberg’s shameful behavior last month after the July 26th Paul McCartney...
...Mayor Vandenberg’s apparent intoxication and abuse of his title on July 26th. An interesting new tidbit about the evening appears to be the allegation that Mayor Vandenberg managed to get...
...reports Vandenberg continuing to shout, “I’m the Mayor. Mayor coming through!” and states that when she recognized that it really was Mayor Vandenberg she no longer tried stopping him; she...
...Vandenberg, and newly-elected trustees no say in the matter. Is the rush to settle this now, with a vote scheduled for the next board meeting, a way for the current...
...requesters Trustee Jacob Vandenberg stated at the Feb. 4th Planning Commission meeting that he has seen all the emails and he reports that what he read “made him sick.” The...
...Vandenberg spoke about Connolly claiming she had CC-ed him on emails about the low income housing project in the past, but Vandenberg received no such emails and the Village’s IT...