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March 31, 2025

Jack Franks prepares for next election; wants McHenry taxpayers to pay for his name –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On August 17, 2018

McHenry Co., IL. (ECWd) –

It appears McHenry County Board Chairman Jack Franks is preparing for his next election well in advance, and he wants McHenry County taxpayers to help him out.

Of course, he says he will sign an affidavit stating it is not for political purposes, but is there really any other purpose for “civic engagement” trinkets bearing your name and the office you hold?

He will claim the “public purpose” will be to inform citizens of the county chairman’s contact info, but the bottom line is that this is nothing more than him wanting to get his name out there early and often.

That is how it is done.

He presented a Resolution to amend the County’s travel and reimbursement policy to include allowing the purchase of “civic engagement” expenses like pencils, pens, notepads, etc., containing his name or image or likeness. You know, “for civic engagement purposes” – even though every person with even half of a brain knows exactly what the true purpose of these items will be.

This will come for a vote at the August 21, 2018, McHenry County Board meeting.

We challenge Chairman Franks to provide the citation of the statutory power that provides for such an expense in the County Code.

You can download the resolution at this link or view below.


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