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March 25, 2025

Child On Bicycle Hit By Will County Board Member/DuPage Township Administrator Who Left Scene –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On March 24, 2025

Bolingbrook, Ill (ECWd) –

Imagine being a child and riding your bicycle to school, only to be struck in a crosswalk by a car, and the driver leaves the scene. Imagine being the parent of that child.

Yes. It happened.

Jackie Traynere, Will County Board Member and DuPage Township Administrator, was involved in an accident the morning of March 11, 2025.

After leaving the accident scene, Traynere arrived at the Bolingbrook Police Station where according to the police reports, she said she was stopped at a red light while a child was crossing the crosswalk on his way to school. Traynere said she started moving when the left turn arrow turned green and saw a child fall off a bicycle, she said she was unsure if she struck him. She checked on him and left the scene and later arrived at the police department, however, police officers noticed there was a dent and large scratch in the hood of her car that she didn’t explain.

According to the child, he was crossing the crosswalk when the “walk” indicator was illuminated, and Traynere’s blue car struck him in the side. This was restated by another child at the scene.

A witness stated that [Traynere] was stopped at the red light, and when the left turn arrow turned green, the car proceeded forwards and struck the juvenile in the crosswalk and then left the scene eastbound on Lily Cache (road).

Another witness stated nearly the same as above but indicated the driver “checked on” the child and then drove away eastbound on Lily Cache.

A witness to the accident and drive-off called the police to report it.

Traynere was ticketed for failing to yield the right-of-way in a crosswalk.

The police report indicated the child did not appear to be injured, but the bicycle chain was broken.

We asked Traynere for a comment but have not received a response yet.

Responding police dashcam videos below:


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  • Gail
    Posted at 09:44h, 25 March Reply

    Why didn’t she get a ticket for leaving the scene of an accident?

  • Jackie has got to go
    Posted at 22:57h, 24 March Reply

    She made a decision to leave the scene of an accident. She said in the report that she didn’t know if she hit the child. She didn’t think to ask the child? The first thing the police officer asked was “where is the car that hit you?” This is an elected official that made a decision to leave the scene of an accident where she hit a child. She should not be an elected official anymore or getting paid a $100,000 plus salary of our tax dollars. Resignation and termination immediately! When does this stop?

    Posted at 21:25h, 24 March Reply

    Criminals impersonating public servants, people we put in a position of power with the expectation that they will serve and protect us. Similar irresponsible behavior with another clown, this time the Alderman City of Des Plaines’ 1st Ward who was pulled over by police for driving under the influence and got off with a slap on his hand: Read below and realize that being a law abiding, sober, tax-paying citizen is no longer important in this upside world of ours, instead if you behave like this idiot you can get off and avoid the justified harsh penalty because you are “someone”, have money and could hire a slick lawyer. Read below and start thinking: Either we need a massive revolution to take our country back or soon some of us will …”flip” and start taking the law in these hands. To me it seems, a vigilante or two (or more) is in the making if our society refuse to read the signs on the wall.

    Journal and Topics Journal & Topics Media Group | Serving Chicago’s Great Northwest Suburbs
    Title: Des Plaines Alderman Works Out Deal For Reckless Driving, does Community Service
    By Todd Wessell
    on August 20, 2021

    A deal was reached earlier this week allowing Des Plaines Ald. Mark Lysakowski (1st) to plead guilty to reckless driving instead of facing Driving While Under the Influence of Alcohol (DUI) charges stemming from a traffic stop Jan. 18 in Mount Prospect.

    As part of the agreement with Cook County Circuit Court, other charges Lysakowski was facing in connection with the traffic stop such as improper lane usage and failure to yield the right of way to an emergency vehicle were dismissed.

    Lysakowski was given a one-year conditional discharge through July 22, 2022 which entails 200 hours of community service during that time frame, said his attorney Frank DiFranco of Park Ridge. Other conditions include no drinking and driving and the attachment of a breathalyzer to his car that would prevent the vehicle from starting if alcohol is detected. DiFranco said this is standard procedure in Illinois for individuals believed to be involved in a DUI.

    What type of community service Lysakowski will be compelled to do is unknown at this time.

    In addition, the Des Plaines alderman paid fines and court costs totaling $2,392.

    In an early morning profanity-filled traffic stop of Lysakowski in Mount Prospect on Jan. 18, he was arrested and charged with DUI, Improper Lane Usage, and Failure to Yield Right of Way to an Emergency Vehicle.

    The arresting officer said in his report that he noticed a car traveling northbound on Main Street and Northwest Highway with the driver leaning his body and head toward the steering wheel. The officer also said he noticed the car weaving and traveling 15 mph below the posted speed limit.

    Once the vehicle was stopped by police the officer said he noticed that Lysakowski’s “eyes to be extremely bkloodshot and glassy.” He said he was previously at a bowling alley and drank two beers.

    During the encounter Lysakowski, said police, refused to exit his vehicle when asked to do so by the officer. He also refused to be administered a field sobriety test.

    Later as he sat at the police station, Lysakowski allegedly told the officer, “I will have your ass. You will see.” Lysakowski also told the officer that he would be filing a lawsuit against him.

  • Tom Gorke
    Posted at 20:39h, 24 March Reply

    Smart woman here
    Give her self up later after she sobers up

  • Tom Gorke
    Posted at 20:37h, 24 March Reply

    Smart woman. Sober up an then turn herself in later 🤔

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