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March 16, 2025

Tiffany Henyard’s Unlawful Electioneering, Again –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On February 11, 2025

South Holland, Ill. (ECWd) –

Thornton Township Supervisor Tiffany Henyard streamed a live video this evening from the comfort of her soon-to-be-former office at Thornton Township.

Henyard’s video from today was nothing but unlawful electioneering by urging people to vote for her as the village of Dolton Mayor, her slate, and candidates from other local races, while sitting behind her desk in Thornton Township’s building.

Watch the video clips below.

This isn’t the first time, and probably won’t be the last, but it needs to stop.

She has previously used the township BINGO games to electioneer, used a food give-a-way paid for by the township for campaign purposes, used the Township’s Facebook page for electioneering, electioneered with Cook County Judge Renee Jackson at a township event, cut an electioneering video from inside the Mayor’s office, and frequently urges people to vote for her while chairing public meetings.

We urge any resident voter to file a complaint with the Thornton Township Ethics Commission or Officer and demand an immediate public hearing on this unlawful electioneering. The law requires it.

Electioneering is frowned upon, and there are even laws designed to prevent it, such as the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act which also applies to local governments.

The Ethics Act defines “prohibited political activities” prohibits their activities in Section 5-15, which local governments are required to adopt:

  • State employees shall not intentionally misappropriate any State property or resources by engaging in any prohibited political activity for the benefit of any campaign for elective office or any political organization
  • At no time shall any executive or legislative branch constitutional officer or any official, director, supervisor, or State employee intentionally misappropriate the services of any State employee by requiring that State employee to perform any prohibited political activity (i) as part of that employee’s State duties, (ii) as a condition of State employment, or (iii) during any time off that is compensated by the State (such as vacation, personal, or compensatory time off)

Using the physical office to urge people to vote for her and others for the upcoming elections should be considered electioneering and misappropriation of public property.




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  • Cindy
    Posted at 14:11h, 19 February Reply

    Now widely known as a national embarrassment, this horrific story has made it to Lionel Nation’s commentary.

  • Colinda G McCollum
    Posted at 14:53h, 14 February Reply

    I live in Texas and I follow this story. Unbelievable she’s still in office. Too much damage control.

  • Kenneth V Zuccarelli
    Posted at 12:22h, 13 February Reply

    Have faith everyone that she will be removed soon from Thornton Township and The Village of Dolton. No need to call her names. I also think she has some dirt on someone with very deep pockets but I don’t think they will be able to help her out of this selfishness and gluttony. Perhaps though they will be able to provide some funds with the prison commissary and get her some extra pudding cups. The people will not be re-electing her. I can’t wait! 😁

  • Perrymans
    Posted at 21:36h, 12 February Reply


  • Thomas McCormick
    Posted at 21:21h, 12 February Reply

    This bitch must have major dirt on some higher up politicians, to be still sitting where she is. They are somehow protecting her from the prosecution she so obviously deserves.

  • Alvin Willis
    Posted at 19:49h, 12 February Reply

    How and where do we file a formal complaint

    • John Kraft & Kirk Allen
      Posted at 20:17h, 12 February Reply

      Working on an answer…

  • Janell Taylor
    Posted at 19:17h, 12 February Reply

    I’d appreciate someone providing the contact info of the Township Ethics Officer.

  • Janell Taylor
    Posted at 19:17h, 12 February Reply

    I’d appreciate f someone providing the contact info of the Township Ethics Officer.

  • Dawn Hines
    Posted at 17:32h, 12 February Reply

    This Mayoral Candidate has also PROMISED with MUCH FANFARE to REFUND each and every resident of Thornton Township the actual dollar amount of Property Taxes Thornton Township received. This has been discussed REPEATEDLY for MONTHS! In her “Elect Me PLEASE!” Video you are reporting on here-she does it AGAIN. Just give them the money already and quit holding it out as a carrot Former Supervisor/Former Mayor!!!

  • Bobby Waters
    Posted at 13:13h, 12 February Reply

    Do you have the information for the Ethics board, Because Tiffany continue to do the same thing over n over because she has never been held accountable. It’s time to flood the Ethics board with emails or phone calls

  • Paul Robertz
    Posted at 23:25h, 11 February Reply

    I am a Thornton Township resident who has been following this story for a year and a half. I am not aware that Thornton Township has an ethics officer or commission. Obviously, there is a need for such a position, unless such an officer is appointed by the supervisor.

    • John Kraft & Kirk Allen
      Posted at 07:38h, 12 February Reply

      Every local government is required to have an Ethics Commission or an Ethics Officer. Sometimes that may be an agreement between the local government and the county.

    • Alvin Willis
      Posted at 19:59h, 12 February Reply

      Paul do you know how or where to file the electioneering complaint

      • John Kraft & Kirk Allen
        Posted at 20:17h, 12 February Reply

        I would say to contact one of the current trustees who should be able to provide that information. If my memory is correct, it might have to be filed with the county ethics commission – but don’t quote me on that.

      • Paul Robertz
        Posted at 23:08h, 12 February Reply

        No,. I emailed the township trustees with a link to this article. I haven’t yet been able to confirm that townships are required to keep an ethics officer or committee.

        • John Kraft & Kirk Allen
          Posted at 08:27h, 13 February Reply

          State law requires it. Now, whether or not they are complying with state law is a different issue.

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