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March 13, 2025

Tiffany Henyard Held In “Direct Criminal Contempt” – Must Also Comply With Orders Of Protection Against Her –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On January 30, 2025

Thornton Township, Ill. (ECWd) –

During today’s Hearing on the liquor license dispute where Tiffany Henyard, as Mayor of Dolton, Illinois, refused to sign liquor licenses for a local business, and was ordered by the Court to sign them, the Judge cleared up what was in the docket from last week.

The Judge stated she will correct the docket to reflect Henyard is in “Direct Criminal Contempt” as opposed to the entry stating “indirect” criminal contempt, for her refusal to obey the Orders of the Court last week. The village and Henyard have 14 days to provide a written response to the contempt issue and the issue of Henyard claiming there are no package liquor licenses available, while at the same time the Village Clerk says there are package liquor licenses available.

Additionally, but not part of today’s hearing, Jedidiah Brown was granted Emergency Orders of Protection against Thornton Township Supervisor Tiffany Henard and her married boyfriend as a direct result of the brawl that occurred during the last Thornton Township board meeting.


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  • Cindy
    Posted at 22:13h, 03 February Reply

    Some moron complained to Candace Owens on her livestream today that Tiffany Henyard was being treated totally unfairly in Illinois. Candace said she was going to look into this previously unknown (to her) case. This should get real interesting if Candace starts digging through this miasma.😂

  • Nicole Smith
    Posted at 07:43h, 31 January Reply

    What I witnessed on Tuesday was deplorable at best. If she love the community as much as she says she does, she would step down and stop the constant embarrassment. Jumping in a fight as a public official may have scored her a few brownie points with her thug boyfriend but I’m positive it cost her the election.

  • Kenneth V Zuccarelli
    Posted at 00:04h, 31 January Reply

    I am not a fan of Tiffany Henyard. I saw the video of Jedidiah and the manner in which he spoke. Although I understand and agree with his reasoning for his disdain for Tiffany and her constituents he did not need to express himself in the manner in which he did. He was a definite catalyst in the violence that followed his words. Sir if you have such a following and the ear of people perhaps stick more to facts than name calling in your next talk. No need to go down to Tiffany’s level. It’s like you came in, stoked the fires, and then want to appear shocked and point all fingers at Tiffany for your actions. Shame shame.

  • Pippie Smith
    Posted at 16:33h, 30 January Reply

    There is a thing called karma. What goes around is coming around to slap this half baked mayor in her face. She is morally, ethically bankrupt. Such a shame and a sham that this AA woman let greed overpower her to the point of destruction. It appears education was not her strong suit . She learned just enough to get the confidence of a few. Not the majority as she’d wants everyone to believe. There is a lesson learned to her constituents too. Always vet people running. Just because they were former trustees, their gender does not make them a qualified. Candidate . I would have first questioned the manner in which she spoke which all pointed to “street garbage”. I oray that everyone makes better choices especially residing in these small townships. This place was put on display and there is a lot of shame, embarrassment etc that will follow you if you vote or not vote the appropriately. These are your tax dollars. Suite up and cont. to pick talent and education of the candidates first. Then everyone vote !!

  • Janell Taylor
    Posted at 15:15h, 30 January Reply

    I am pleased Tiffany and Kamal have consequences for their part in Tuesday’s debacle. Tiffany raced to the back to assist Kamal, who was clearly getting a beat down. She used a microphone to strike him, and her other goon, DeMarkus Criggley kicked Jed. They are a bunch of thugs. Since there was security present, she had no business jumping in the fight. Her usual stance is to call for security when she feels someone is out of order., and she has been ushered out by her “protectors” on many occasions.

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