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March 28, 2025

Major Problems With Henyard’s Lawsuit Against Democrat Caucus And Senator Harris –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On December 15, 2024

Thornton Township, Ill. (ECWd) –

After appointed Thorton Township Supervisor Tiffany Henyard’s complete defeat at the Thornton Township Democrat Caucus, Henyard and her tag-a-longs went on a media blitz crying to anyone who would listen.

She then filed a lawsuit against the Thornton Township Democrat Caucus and Illinois State Senator / Committeeman Napoleon Harris.

It didn’t take long to see major problem with the lawsuit:

  • She filed it in her official capacity as township supervisor and mayor of Dolton without approval from the township or village board of trustees
  • The Complaint was a “Verified” Complaint – See Section 1-109 of the Illinois Code of Civil Procedure
  • She included a co-plaintiff of Fitzgerald Roberts, Mayor of Dixmoor. Mayor Roberts told Fox32-Chicago that he never gave Henyard or her attorney the authority to name him as a Plaintiff. There is a “Verification by Certification” document included in the complaint which appears to include two separate computer generated signatures: Henyard’s and Roberts’. If Roberts did not authorize his name as a Plaintiff, then the penalties of Section 1-109 should apply, and they are severe:

Any person who makes a false statement, material to the issue or point in question, which he does not believe to be true, in any pleading, affidavit or other document certified by such person in accordance with this Section shall be guilty of a Class 3 felony.

  • An “Emergency Motion To Dismiss” was filed by Henyard’s attorney, Max Solomon one day after filing the Complaint – which was after Mayor Roberts stated he did not authorize his name on the lawsuit
  • This is the second time Henyard and her attorney Solomon have included Plaintiffs on lawsuits without their knowledge or approval (see this article) – it is time for someone, anyone, to file the appropriate motions with the court to have these issues addressed. Repeated false and misleading court filings cannot be tolerated
Verified Complaint in Declaratory Judgment & Injunction


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  • Eric Crump
    Posted at 08:32h, 17 December

    Do you have a copy of Exhibit A? I’ve emailed DOTT asking for a copy of the caucus rules but have not heard back. Is Exhibit A a response to 45-50 (a) (8), “Other rules deemed necessary by the central committee at the time the rules are promulgated or by the majority of the qualified caucus participants when the rules are being considered at their meeting.”? I’ve seen a number of references to the rules in media stories but would like to review the source.

    • John Kraft & Kirk Allen
      Posted at 09:04h, 17 December

      No. We do not have a copy of it.

  • Little Old Me
    Posted at 14:23h, 16 December

    Maybe a complaint on Tiffany’s lawyer’s license with the ARDC? Any person can file such a complaint. I don’t guarantee results with the ARDC, but maybe it’s worth a shot.

    • BRH
      Posted at 00:50h, 17 December

      Tiffany, “srop” making your lawyers rich. Save your coins. for yourself. You’re going to need them to pay your essentials living expenses during your”down” time..

  • Tiff
    Posted at 09:10h, 16 December

    Typical democrats. Enough said.

  • Antoinette Smith
    Posted at 01:04h, 16 December

    It’s time for someone to take these positions that hàs the guts to be really be for God’s people. Lying, cheating and using the people’s money for their own personal gain SHOULD NOT BE TOLERATED. I feel really strong about HENYARD being GONE. She has over stepped her boundaries. I am praying for Napoleon Harris to step in and do what she didn’t do, and that is to clean up Dolton because it smells to high heaven.

  • Gwen Shrake
    Posted at 20:31h, 15 December

    Is this the same Max Solomon who also ran for governor in the last cycle??
