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March 28, 2025

Shelby County Court Grants Watchdogs’ Motion To Intervene –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On November 19, 2024

Shelby Co., Ill. (ECWd) –

This morning, Judge Kibler granted our Motion to Intervene in the Boehm v. Shelby County case for the limited purpose of unsealing the sole bid for the county farmland.

The Court continued with sealing the name and contact information of the bidder and released the remaining portions of the bid.

It remains our position that the bid, in its entirety, is a public record of Shelby County, and it meets the definition of a public record as defined in the Freedom of Information Act. Whether or not the bid is ever opened publicly, it still remains a public record of that public body.

We will publish copy of redacted bid once we receive it.




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1 Comment
  • Justice Seeker
    Posted at 13:56h, 19 November

    Corruption to the core. Can’t get to this point in Shelby county without every branch involved. How many state’s attorneys from Shelby county have gone on to become judges? They knew what they had to do and friends they had to protect. Probably some retired judges still pulling strings in Springfield to protect family, friends and accomplices.
