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March 11, 2025

Dolton/Thornton Twp Updates: Nonpayment Results In Police Cars Returned To Dealer –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On November 24, 2024

Dolton, Ill. (ECWd) –

A lot has happened since our last update on Tiffany Henyard, the Village of Dolton, and Thornton Township.

  • Township trustee Carlile secured a No Contact Order of Protection against Henyard’s bully
  • Two Dolton Police SUVs were returned to the dealer because the village board refused to continue paying the extreme lease costs for vehicles that were never approved by the board
  • Dolton Trustees continue holding meetings at the park district’s office, with orders from the court to do so
  • Henyard was successful in 30-day temporary appointments of the police chief – who is not currently qualified to serve according to the Illinois Police Officer Training and Standards Board, although that is currently under review by the state board, and also subject to an affirmative vote of the village board of trustees, which we believe will not happen
  • Township trustees have successfully forced the township meeting into the large room in the basement of the township building, and have been exercising their authority to deny Henyard a quorum – which essentially prevents her from doing any more damage to the township
  • One township trustee resigned, but it is currently unclear whether the board “accepted the resignation” – which is when a resignation becomes effective according to Section 60-20(b) of the Illinois Township Code.

The township vacancy is the current “crisis” at hand where Henyard will undoubtedly attempt to appoint someone who will blindly align with her. In order for this to happen, there must be a quorum of at least three trustees and there must be at least three affirmative votes to fill the vacancy. Otherwise, if there is a quorum of four, and the appointment ends in a tie vote, then the township clerk will vote to break the tie.

The trustees not following Henyard can stifle any appointment by only one of them attending the meeting, which would prevent the clerk from voting (provided one trustee votes no), but would also allow other things like paying the bills to be approved.

There is a special meeting scheduled (see agenda page 1 and page 2) for Monday, November 25, 2024, at 5 p.m. with bill paying, insurance paying, and additional items Henyard wants to force a vote on – like appointment to the vacancy so she can gain control of the majority of that board again.

Otherwise, it appears that Tiffany Henyard has final lost all control over both the Village of Dolton Board and the Thronton Township Board, at least for now.

Henyard has resorted to electioneering at township BINGO games and using an unlicensed “business” to disseminate inaccurate (partial) information to the public. See “press releases” here and here. “Political Ties” does not show in the Secretary of State’s database as a business registered to conduct business in Illinois.

With the election coming up in the spring of 2025, she may well be voted out of both positions.


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  • Michael Hagberg
    Posted at 11:00h, 25 November

    I feel Tiffany Henyard has a decent chance of being reelected as Mayor and elected as Supervisor given the voter apathy and the number of votes she’s purchased with Big Bingo and Food giveaways, birthday cakes for seniors in nursing homes. (I’m not counting the 30 votes she garnished from the Taste of Thornton).

    Henyard won the mayoral primary with only 11% of the registered voters supporting her.

    You have to realize it’s a small group of 40 people who are vocal at the meetings against 300 people who attend bingo. Elections are a popularity contest not a method of selecting the most qualified person.

  • Johnny Bossride
    Posted at 13:55h, 24 November

    Why does the “Political Ties” logo include a Hangman’s noose?

    • John Kraft & Kirk Allen
      Posted at 16:53h, 24 November

      nice catch
