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March 28, 2025

DACC President Nacco Placed On Admin Leave Following Alleged Racist Messages –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On September 16, 2024

Danville, Ill. (ECWd) –

According to reports, Danville Area Community College (“DACC”) President, Dr. Stephen Nacco was placed on administrative leave today following alleged abusive and racial text messages sent by him to the Mayor of Danville, Illinois, after Nacco asked the Mayor to sign a letter of support in bringing “undocumented immigrants” to Danville.

The Commercial-News article indicated that Nacco apparently called the Mayor “boy” in one of the exchanges.

More information will be provided as we receive it.


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  • Sgt. Joe Friday (LAPD Ret)
    Posted at 22:09h, 17 September

    The elephant in the room is…why would the DACC President feel it necessary – or appropriate – to lobby for the importation of illegal aliens/undocumented immigrants – whatever one wishes to call them, into the City of Danville?

    Is there a cache of government funding for DACC to educate these people? Is that job security for the DACC President – or is he just another anarchist in a suit?

  • Jack Tarleton
    Posted at 08:38h, 17 September

    I’d be interested in hearing more about this. It seems amazing that an apparently highly educated individual would engage in an abusive exchange with an elected politician who is black. I wonder what the Mayor said?

    • John Kraft & Kirk Allen
      Posted at 08:40h, 17 September

      We will publish the text messages shortly…

    • Susie
      Posted at 19:14h, 24 September

      I have known Dr Nacco my entire life. He is neither elitist nor racist. The mayor is flat out lying about the exchange and lying about Dr Nacco wanting to bring undocumented people to Danville. Dr Nacco was recently given a 4 year contract extension. If the board really thought he was capable of these lies or heard any other anecdotal evidence of him being a racist they would not have given him the new contract.
      The mayor is playing politics. He is threatened by someone that people actually like.
      The mayor should try doing his job instead of trying to get Dr Nacco fired so he can put his sister in the college.
      This whole story needs transparency. Where is the evidence? Who are the witnesses? Where is the due process? This is a clown show!

      • John Kraft & Kirk Allen
        Posted at 19:45h, 24 September

        We will publish the text messages and the emails shortly. You might want to rethink what you just said.

    Posted at 08:05h, 17 September

    I remember my contact with Dr. Nacco during Dave Kietzman’s incompatible participation on both the DACC and Vermilion County Airport boards, Dr. Nacco shirked his responsibility as a chairman then when he failed to demand Kietzman’s resignation once the facts were clearly revealed. This went on for weeks.
    In my opinion, another government bureaucrat grossly overpaid for his services working in concert with others to maintain their board status rather than dealing with the facts and doing what would have been best for DACC. And so, another page is turned the textbook of status protection and elitism, rather than a chapter in being the person that DACC should have and needs in leadership, perhaps, even a racist, Steve Nacco should take the high road and resign for those remarks”, without the benefit of golden parachute, but those chances are slim.
    Illinois doesn’t need any more illegal free loaders; we need law abiding citizens, people that follow the law. We don’t need DACC leadership encouraging aliens to immigrate against our laws. against our country and state. If Steve Nacco really wants to support the Illegal alien population he should move to their country.,

  • Bart
    Posted at 07:04h, 17 September

    Apparently, up on rereading the article, I had it backwards.
    Oi would support the mayor in opposition to bringing illegals to the area.

    Don’t we have enough crime and housing issues without overloading things.

  • Bart
    Posted at 06:14h, 17 September

    I definitely support the President in not wanting illegals brought to the area.

    • John Kraft & Kirk Allen
      Posted at 08:42h, 17 September

      He wants them here

  • Cindy
    Posted at 03:14h, 17 September

    From the picayune to the ridiculous; has everyone in this country completely lost their mind?
